This is the culmination of the Pisces lunar cycle, which started with the Pisces new moon on February 20th. Now, on the full moon, we see the Sun and the Moon 180 degrees apart from each other, making an opposition, a tense astrological aspect which prompts us to find balance.
This is a time to see the results of the intention we have set during the new moon. These results are often helping us in manifesting our intention, or they will point to things we need to balance so we can manifest an intention that’s in alignment with our souls. So, we should find the house in our own astrological chart which has the sign of Virgo in its beginning. That’s the area of our life’s experience where we can heal and fix something, where we can actually work to make something better and more aligned with our soul growth.
March 7th: Virgo Full Moon
We are in Pisces cycle, and we are pretty much dealing with what is totally out of our control, but during this cycle’s full moon, in Virgo, we can see what we can actually have some control over, because it really is in our hands to solve and deal with.
Virgo is an optimizing energy. It wants to refine something and reach excellence. It wants us to be aware of what is the best we can do with our precious time.
Virgo is an energy of quality service. Precisely because it is about using our time well, this energy helps us be efficient. So, this full moon in Virgo is allowing us to take something in our hands, refine it, organize it, fix it and just make a lemonade out of those lemons.
Moon in Virgo opposite the Sun in Pisces
Moon and Sun in harmonic aspects with Uranus in Taurus
Moon and Sun square Mars in Gemini
We have both harmonic and challenging aspects to this Virgo full moon. There is chaos, but there is a way to manage the chaos. This is a time to organize the mess, readjust our actions so we can take care of the changes we all have been through, in one way or another. We can now deal with these changes in a more pragmatic manner.
We must be aware that the changes we have been through are definitely taking us in the direction of our soul growth. And it can mean different things for different people. The essential idea is that these changes have had the purpose of shaking our values, our security and self-worth, so we can start to see ourselves through another lens. If you want to dig deeper into what it means for you specifically, find the house where Uranus in Taurus is transiting in your own natal astrological chart and meditate on its meanings.
With both the Sun and Moon in a very close harmonic aspect to Uranus, we can be sure that we are absorbing the changes, whether we want it or not! But we can benefit now from accepting and accommodating the changes, learning how to deal with them and having greater clarity around what we can do with it all.
Mars in Gemini is challenging us to create this intentional plan for ourselves. Be intentional with your thoughts and words now! We shouldn’t just have faith now, we shouldn’t just have hope and believe everything will be alright. Although that was the energy of the new moon, now the full moon asks us to be more intentional and actually make it clearer what we can do to make it alright.
Mercury in Pisces
Mercury in harmonic aspects with the Nodes of the Moon
Mercury in Pisces is a challenging combination. Mercury rules Virgo, which is the sign opposite to Pisces. So, Mercury in Pisces is a contradiction in itself. While Mercury stands for rationality and practicality, Pisces is the energy of unconscious feelings and imagination. It can be difficult to pinpoint a solution for something, or organize our ideas.
Still, Mercury in Pisces is helping us during this time, because it is in harmonic aspects with the Nodes of the Moon. It means we should make the best of our feelings and imagination, using it to be idealistic with our thoughts and words. We can refine our feelings and imagination. We can be gentle and soft with what we want to communicate and express. That will help us release pain and fear, and be more open to the transformations going on inside of us, which are intimately related to the changes going on outside of us.
Venus in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini
Mars square Neptune
The square between Mars and Neptune is becoming tighter and will be exact just around this cycle’s last quarter moon, on March 15th. This is a time to find your true will. It really isn’t easy to know what we truly want in life, at least it isn’t easy for most people, me included, and I have this aspect in my natal chart.
Fortunately, Venus is in Aries in a harmonic aspect with Mars, which is the ruler of Aries. We can be triggered, even in stressful manners, to become aware of what we truly want. We can feel our passions being lightened up, maybe even through rage, and it can be a little difficult to control it, but still this is showing us what we truly want. With Jupiter conjunct Chiron, also in the sign of Aries, this could open some deep wounds from the past. But be aware that this process is not happening to make you feel bad, rather it is happening to awaken your inner warrior, your spiritual warrior, who is there to fight for something valuable.
So, why is it so important to know what you truly want and what you truly value? Well, my mom has always said to me that “if I don’t know where I’m going, then anywhere is ok”. Now, I’ve found out that this quote actually belongs to Lewis Carroll, and actually goes like this "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." The thing is: are you willing to just go anywhere? Will just anything satisfy your soul?
So, we are just about to enter a heavy foggy mist during this cycle’s next phase, the Sagittarius last quarter moon on March 15th. We will need to know what we want, what we actually feel the need to fight for, because we will be able to see the direction we are supposed to go amongst the mist, so we can get closer to that true will.
Saturn enters Pisces
Speaking of mists, Saturn is crossing over the last degree of Aquarius, entering Pisces during this full moon. Wow! That really is a big event, and Saturn will transit through all degrees of Pisces until 2026. I feel that this is actually helping us master our vision of our future, so we can start to dissipate everything that stands in the way of this visionary future.
There will be grand finales during the next 3 years, while Saturn transits the house of your chart which has Pisces in it. I will make a special video about Saturn in Pisces and how we can benefit from this energy, to our soul growth, to our spiritual ascension and to our self-empowerment.
Thank you for reading! I would like to tell you about the ASTROLOGICAL JOURNAL I have released, to help you take note of your insights during each lunar cycle of the next astrological year starting on March 20th, 2023. I want to help you analyze your own chart and the moon’s transits in it during this year, so you can start to give yourself some powerful answers.