April 30th: New Moon in Taurus
Sun and Moon united (conjunct) at 10°28’ of Taurus
This is a time for working hard to become the best version of yourself. It is a time to be aligned with your spirit, your feelings of love and compassion, your capacity to be a generous soul. This is what the Earth needs right now and this is what the Earth is supporting.
There is no doubt that the year of 2022 is a remarkable one. There are important astrological events which are unique for a whole generation. These energies are available for us, but we must use them. Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces has given us the opportunity to touch our deepest human feelings of love and compassion. It has shown us what is the dream of our souls. This is powerful enlightening energy which we can use to transform our lives and turn the world into a better place.
It may have been really hard to manifest these dreams, to stand up for them and to keep believing in them. But there is a promise in the sky that this cycle is providing us with the necessary fuel to keep moving this elevated soul energies. In this cycle, we have a partial solar eclipse followed by a total lunar eclipse, and they are accelerating the changes.
So, what is Taurus about? Taurus is the second “hour” of the zodiac “clock”. After the initiative and assertion of Aries, and before the learnings and exchanges of Gemini, we have Taurus, which is about:
Security and stability
Food and resources
Nourishment and abundance
Believing in yourself
Working with the hands
Knowing what is valuable
Seeing what is beautiful
Strong senses
Attraction and seductiveness
Sexual apetite
Physical strength
Needing too many comforts
Not wanting to change
Being predictable
Too attached to its own values and possessions
Being a compulsive buyer, wasting resources
North Node at 23°11’ of Taurus (partial solar eclipse)
Sun and Moon united (conjunct) with Uranus in Taurus
Sun and Moon in potential harmony (sextile) with Mars in Pisces
Mars in Pisces in potential harmony (sextile) with Uranus in Taurus
The Moon will pass in front of the Sun, partially darkening its light, projecting a shadow on the Earth (around southern South America and the Pacific Ocean). This is a partial solar eclipse.
In Taurus, we take that idea and first move of Aries and start to gather everything we can to make it real, productive and valuable. The old cycle is feeding the new cycle and our potential to grow is particularly strong during this Taurus lunar cycle. The question is: what is it that we are growing within and outside?
What you have become, the changes and efforts you have been engaged in, are starting to give results. What you can see flourishing around you is a result of what you have cultivated. What kind of feelings and thoughts have you cultivated? What kind of actions and interactions have you focused on? Are you feeding the new cycle or the old one? Your choices are growing under these fertile energies.
So, this is a time to grow what is truly valuable in yourself and in your life. This is a time to nurture your soul, your dreams, your highest consciousness and love capacity. The upheavals and sudden changes of Uranus are on our way and it can really be a good turn around, if we can go through this powerful lunar cycle with dedication and devotion to a higher purpose.
We need to prove ourselves somehow, so we can be accepted and allowed something by the universe. It is a time to be humble and cooperative, believing in yourself and others, on a deep level, understanding that we are all connected and we are all being guided by powerful forces right now.
Venus in Pisces (exalted), ruler of Taurus
Venus united (conjunct) with Jupiter in Pisces and Neptune
Venus and Jupiter in potential harmony (sextile) with Pluto in Capricorn
This feels inspiring and extremely nurturing, both on a spiritual and material level. It feels like a raise in consciousness and love, a strength that comes from within our souls, from within the planet, as a response to powerful cosmic energies and spiritual callings. It seems like a special seed becoming a sprout, in response to the loving light of the Sun.
There is transformation of values and resources arising from the transcendence of the old paradigms. Abundance, a variety of forms to fulfil an individual's basic needs are being strengthened by this energy. We see real wealth grow, a concept or technology which can not only turn the fertility of Mother Earth to a more intelligent and sustainable use, but also to make it based on solidarity.
This is showing us which material resources really matter and what really is of great value, and that is the air, the water, the soil and life itself. This is showing us that none of these should be wasted or polluted.
Venus, Jupiter and Neptune in harmonic aspects with the Nodes
Saturn in tense aspects with the Nodes
There is inevitability about the deep transformations of certain realities in your life, which are indicated by the house where the South Node in Scorpio is transiting in your chart. It is usually not easy to transform, but it empowers us. When we finally see the motivations behind a behavior, an emotional or mental pattern, we then have a chance to transform. And this transformation is being fully activated during the full moon eclipse.
Now, the North Node is showing us where we should concentrate on moving forward. The part of your natal chart where the North Node in Taurus is transiting shows you your next developments. There is something pushing you towards these next developments, but Saturn is guaranteeing that everything is in the right place, that all karma is being cleared out, so to speak. So, trust that whenever there is a stop, it means we should not rush anything, but stop to pay attention to something we may be overlooking, or just wait for a better moment to keep going.
Mercury in Gemini (retrograde from Gemini 4° to Taurus 26° (from May 20th to June 3rd)
Mercury trine Pluto in last degrees of Capricorn
Mercury sextile Venus and Jupiter in last degrees of Pisces
You can generate abundance in your life by aligning yourself with your soul. Align your ego with your feelings, embrace the whole of you so you can start to feel your spiritual potential. You can be vitalized with this spiritual potential and this is what will give you true happiness and abundance.
There can be ideas coming from visionary contracts, alliances, investments, partnerships and valuable choices. It is all coming from extremely intuitive capacities we may be infused with. There can be ideas which can really create a powerful source of generous prosperity. There can even be economic solutions for whole nations and even all the planet, a transformation of Mother Earth which can generate even more abundance and fertile ground for humankind.
During the retrogradation of Mercury, there can be reviews and rewritings. Information given and received are under check so there is no mistake being communicated. We should think twice before speaking or writing anything! This is minutious and detailed analytical work, required to go through changes and innovations with optimum preparation. So, use this time to organise and plan your next steps with great care.
May 9th: First Quarter Moon in Leo
Moon at 18°23’ of Leo in tension (square) with the Sun in Taurus and the Nodes
Moon in confrontation (opposition) with Saturn
Venus in Aries (since May 2nd)
Pluto retrograde (since April 29th)
Effort to be totally free from restrictions, free from your responsibilities and commitments, will affect your destiny. Here is where we may expose our character failures and receive a final statement, a final judgement which will reverberate on the full moon (total lunar eclipse).
Instead of being completely drained by the heaviness you may have been through, take a break and have fun a bit. Take some time to be spontaneous and enjoy the good small pleasures of life, play like children and just be caught in the moment. Freeing yourself from social restrictions and responsibilities just for a while is healthy. This is nourishing our souls, so we keep walking with bliss and light in our hearts. But we must not take an extreme path right now. We must be extra careful, especially with tendencies towards escapism (Pisces).
It is so important that we cultivate youth inside us, even if we are very old. In times of crisis, losses and emotional pain, the happy moments we have are all that matters and we want to remember them. So let’s enjoy these moments when we can, but don’t forget to get back to work soon! You don’t want to ruin everything!
May 16th: Full Moon in Scorpio (total lunar eclipse)
Moon at 25°17’ of Scorpio in confrontation (opposition) with the Sun in Taurus
Sun and Moon in tension (square) to Saturn in Aquarius
Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries
Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Jupiter in Aries
The Earth will pass between the Sun and the Moon, completely darkening the full moon by projecting a shadow on its surface, which will be seen from western Europe, Africa and the Americas. This is a total lunar eclipse.
There is a transmutation taking place which isn’t easy to occur. The new cycle isn’t easy to give birth to. There can be cuts, hardships or challenges which make us face some fears and difficult emotions. Besides the tension to Saturn, both the Moon and Venus are in signs which weakens its qualities. We may struggle with our feelings and be egotistical in our relationships and with our possessions. We should actually withdraw to find inner peace now, especially because Mars is approaching a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces (I’ll make a special post and video about it, of course). It is also important that we do it so we are able to hold our spiritual vision, our soul’s dream (Jupiter has just entered Aries and it wants to manifest it soon).
Saturn in Aquarius represents great responsibility towards others and the future. Some of us may be in charge of these responsibilities, which feels heavy. This is a time to be totally aware of each step you take, because you are making choices and decisions which will have a long lasting impact on other people’s lives, besides your own. It is a time to be aware of your power and your ability to move through changes and give others an example to follow.
This is in essence an emotional disentanglement. We are leaving behind patterns of thought and reaction which have been operating for a very long time. We are talking about patterns that have been present not only in yourself but in your family and lineage, as an inherited condition. They had a function in the past but not anymore. Your life requires that you develop a more appropriate emotional response so you can deal with new issues coming from new realities.
The full moon is always a time where emotions overflow. Whatever we create as a potential inside our consciousness is fed by our emotional response before it can become real and manifested by us. The secret here is to harmonize your will and your feelings, so they are not in dispute with each other. This is easier said than done, for sure, especially under a full moon!
Now, this lunar eclipse helps in the process of completion around the South Node in Scorpio and where it is transiting in your chart. This is where you may be experiencing a crisis, a power struggle or some extreme situation. This is requiring you to face some hard truths and feelings, to be honest with yourself and others, so a transformation can occur. It really is a self-empowering process. And this total lunar eclipse accelerates things by giving it an extra push to transform, to die and rise from the ashes.
The Scorpio symbol brings to mind the poisonous creature which can sting and kill another. This “murder” is actually a transformational act because it stirs up fear and possibly the survival instinct in the victim. If the victim survives, it becomes empowered by the experience. Inner strength has been found. But often the scorpion just hurts and kills its victim.
Now, there is another side to this Scorpio symbol. It can actually hurt itself by applying that same “sting” they used on another, on itself. But because they are used to it, they are not really threatened by it. Scorpios have a hard skin and, thus, the sting doesn’t go deep enough. The wound can’t go deep enough to kill it.
So, this lunar eclipse in Scorpio can give you experiences of meeting your own shadows, going through your own crisis, your own fears and buried emotions, and you may hurt and blame other people in the process, until you fully embrace it by yourself. It causes you to feel desperate and faithless, but it won’t kill you! Actually, it is here that we can become aware of our vulnerabilities. We also become aware of who and what we love. We become one with these, we vibrate the same energy. And it is here that empowerment rises.
May 22nd: Last Quarter Moon in Pisces
Moon at 1°39’ of Pisces in tension (square) with the Sun in Gemini
Mercury retrograde in Gemini 1° (same degree it was on the new moon) and conjunct the Sun
As is the case with every last quarter moon (waning phase), we should gather everything we learned from this cycle and prepare for the next, which will be the Gemini Lunar Cycle.
It is promising to see Mercury strongly placed in Gemini (its own sign) conjunct the Sun at the same degree it was on the new moon (solar eclipse). It means we can have great clarity in our minds during this period. It is as if we could see recent events in slow motion and we can grasp every detail of them, which we couldn’t see before. It gives us an extra perceptive mind and we can learn certain things now that we may have overlooked before.
Plus, Mars is transiting the degree of Venus Jupiter conjunction in Pisces, which was exact also on the last new moon. It means we can be infused with devotion and courage to follow our soul’s dreams. We know we may have to move some mountains but we believe we can do it now. And we really can because now we may have what is needed for it!