January 28th: Taurus First Quarter
This is the critical growth point of the Aquarius lunar cycle, which started with the new moon in Aquarius on January 21st. Now, with the waxing phase, we see the Sun and the Moon 90 degrees apart from each other, making a square, a tense astrological aspect which prompts us to take action.
This is a time to do something to make our intention grow, that intention we have set during the new moon. This is a phase to nurture your innovations and wanted changes (which we have observed during the new moon), and we should find the part of our own natal astrological chart which has the sign of Taurus in it. This is the area of our life’s experience where we can do something to help the process, to make it real and make it happen.
Moon at 8°25’ of Taurus square the Sun at 8°25’ of Aquarius
Moon conjunct the North Node (exact)
Sun square the Nodes
This is a time to use the law of attraction. You have probably heard about it already. We should be aligned with what we need to receive from the universe, be nurtured with it, with everything we feel really deserving of, so our souls can grow and expand. We should use our own power of attraction (because we all have it - that’s Venus in our chart), use our strengths to enhance our attractive power, in love or whichever other area of our life actually. It can be used for your own advantage, and it should, to attract to you what is really good to you, what brings you self-confidence and raises your self-worth, so you can shine in all your bright light! (Remember this cycle will take us to a Leo full moon)
So, we should be intentional with our choices, know what we are choosing and know that it is supposed to be an innovative choice. The universe is supporting us in making choices that help us move beyond self-limiting conditions, beyond fears and outdated patterns of behavior. Choices that are revolutionary, that change things. We are not being supported in making choices that perpetuate a past condition which we are supposed to transcend.
There is no doubt that this really is a time to move ahead. And there will be an ending of some sort, of an old cycle, an old order.
The Sun in Aquarius square the Nodes wants to guarantee that we are being original, authentic and innovative! We are supposed to change our self identification too, not only make a change but be the change.
Venus in Pisces
Venus, ruler of Taurus
Venus in Pisces helps us open to a totally new possibility. Many possibilities, actually, many possible paths. And so, choosing can be difficult. But whatever we really tune into emotionally will have an impact on bringing something to fruition in our lives. We have started this lunar cycle with Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. It means we already had the time to think and to make a reality check, so we could make wise choices. If we keep that in mind, we will have a clue on what direction to go, on what decision to make.
With Venus in Pisces, we benefit from spending time in solitude. We benefit from art and nature, so much more than at any other time. They will speak to our souls, they will inspire us to attract to ourselves our best and highest possibilities in life. Venus in Pisces can help us be idealistic. But it can also prompt us to imagine things that are not real. And this can get really tricky and even dangerous if we relate to people and attract things which really are not good for our souls, just because we may be totally receptive to everything and everyone.
That’s why we should be wise with our choices, especially during this transit. Choose beauty, choose love, abundance and strength, but choose what is real! And, yes, we haven already been shown this wise choice when Venus was conjunct Saturn, on the new moon. So, please, take the time to think and feel it through, to be with your own heart so you can make a choice that’s really yours, that’s original and authentic, and that will bring to you what your soul really needs.
Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini
Sun still sextile Jupiter in Aries
Mars inconjunct South Node
Sun trine Mars and sextile Jupiter is just a perfect combination for this first quarter moon, in bringing up the assertion and boldness needed to complement the more receptive and attractive energies. This is a time to create some type of cooperation between masculine and feminine, between action and reception.
The universe is offering us what fosters our growth and nurtures our personal strengths, but we may not be aware of it if we are still wanting to play the same old game. The universe is offering us true gold but we must embrace change and innovation.
There can’t be a journey ahead if we are still looking backwards, not wanting to move on. With Mars inconjunct the South Node, there is no going back anymore, because there can’t be! Now there can only be moving on and ahead, and we should step in this soul journey with all our hearts and acceptance of our future. (that’s what the full moon in Leo will be about).
Change and innovation often requires courage, because it isn’t easy to be the unconventional, to be the weird one. Luckily, with the Sun in a harmonic aspect with Mars and also with Jupiter, we can be more aware of what we really want, and be that passionate hero, facing our fears.
Mercury trine Uranus
Uranus direct since January 23rd (all planets now direct)
A revolutionary mindset is helping us to attract to ourselves what our souls need this time. It may feel strange and uncomfortable to communicate or negotiate something in an unconventional manner, in a manner which would not be our well-known pattern of behavior. But that’s exactly what we are supposed to do this time, do things differently than before, try a really new strategy, a really new path. If it’s real and authentic, it will be right!
Uranus in Taurus has been pushing us to understand that our material security, our abundance and personal strength, our self-confidence and self-worth in this life (Taurus) are being built in distinct manners now, in revolutionary manners which in fact requires that we be innovative, that we make a change. A change in our values, first, so we can build a new concept of what is really good for us, for our soul growth, as well as for our community. Uranus requires that we move from a hierarchical and egocentric relation to others, to a more egalitarian and group oriented relation to others, and that is actually what is fostering a new kind of value and wealth concept. But Uranus in Taurus is a much longer transit which I am constantly talking about, so there will be another time to talk about it.
Thank you for reading! I would like to tell you about the ASTROLOGICAL JOURNAL I have released, to help you take note of your insights during each lunar cycle of the next astrological year. I want to help you analyze your own chart and the moon’s transits in it, so you can start to give yourself some powerful answers.
See ya! 🙇