May 5th, 2023: Scorpio Lunar Eclipse
Hello, beautiful soul!
There can be powerful developments now during this Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, if we accept our gifts and embody them wholeheartedly and responsibly. Ultimately, this is what you are here for and no-one can do it for you.
So, don't let your fears dominate you. Don't let your anxiety paralyze you.
Be brave, beautiful soul!
Moon in Scorpio 14º58' opposite the Sun in Taurus 14º58'
Moon conjunct the South Node in Scorpio 3º35
Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus 3º35
This Scorpio Lunar Eclipse can actually help you out by increasing your ability to be strategic and intuitive, so you can face your fears and move in the direction of your soul’s path, choosing what is right for you now.
Face it: there are things in you and in your life which are just not right! There are things you have to transform in yourself and in order to transform, you have to see the truth. For example, there can be no way to transform your rage if you don’t acknowledge it and keep denying it. There is no way to transform your insecurity if you keep trying to prove yourself. There is no way to transform your vulnerability if you keep rejecting your sensibility.
So, first, there has to be self-knowledge and self-acceptance. Accept yourself as you are, learn to see and value the best in you, so you can transform the worst.
Face your innermost reality, the reality of who you really are. Who you are when no-one is around. Who you are on your own terms.
This may stir up uncomfortable feelings, bringing about anxiety and fear, even making you feel physical unrest, depression and powerlessness. It can awaken issues you may have thought you had overcome.
These are your shadows. You can’t just pretend they don’t exist, or they will take control over you. And they will do it until you get tired of being controlled by them. Sick of being overpowered by your feelings and fears. And then you fall into the deepest valley of your soul, until you reach the bottom…
That’s when you have the opportunity to transform. That’s when you can purge and remove the poison from your emotional body, so you become healthier and stronger.
Have you ever been through disease treatment or a surgery? It takes a little or maybe a lot of patience and resilience to heal. Healing the emotional body is similar, but it’s more of an internal process. It is like a deep valley, where we’re supposed to walk alone and find our own answers.
Mars in Cancer trine the Moon and sextile the Sun
We constantly move between the peaks and valleys of our feelings. But they'll all pass, and I think we shouldn’t worry that much about it. What I think we should worry about is not taking rash actions while we are either in a peak or a valley, because we may regret it later on.
So, my friend, there’s got to be some strategy here in order to heal the emotional body, in order to be stronger, to be resilient and stay in your power!
Observe yourself. Contemplate both your bliss and your misery. Don’t lie to yourself: we all carry both the light and the darkness inside of us.
Mercury retrograde in Taurus and Uranus also in Taurus
Acknowledge that you are a spiritual essence. Remove the layers covering it.
Know that you have creative potential in you and you’ve got to use that gift of yours to create something beautiful in your life.
Now, what is it that you can create? What is your creative potential?
In order to answer that question, you must be open to what the universe is offering to you now. Accept it, assimilate it, take it in. Believe it is the best for your soul growth now. Believe it is feeding your potential.
Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries
Yes, you can become healthier, stronger, more resourceful. You can receive what is best for you if you make space for it in your life.
Nourish yourself with what is really good for you. Feel it. Taste it. Welcome what strengthens you and makes you more self confident. Embrace and love what makes you feel more powerful, more beautiful as a human being, as a soul living on the Earth right now.
This is all in the area of your life indicated by the house of your chart that has Taurus in it. So, be aware of this, because this area of your life holds your strengths now, and working with this energy will make your soul grow faster.