Through Libra season, we have hopefully learned something about how to find balance, and how important our relationships are to show us the way to find balance. Although this can be defying sometimes, we have hopefully accepted our need for relationships. Even in conflict and enmity, the other person is showing us something about ourselves and we should become aware of it, if we are to expand and grow. In other words, we can’t expand and grow alone! It is important that we consider the other person’s point of view, if we want to expand beyond our current egoic limitations.
So, just as the ego needs the other to be its counterpart, so does the body needs the soul, spirit needs matter, the mind needs the heart, and vice-versa. Finding the balance between all opposites actually takes us to our power. Libra season takes us to Scorpio season and in Scorpio, we embody our power, or powerlessness.
But, as I often say, self-empowerment is no easy process. To embody your power in life, you must face your weaknesses. It can be dramatic and painful to look at those parts of us which we don’t accept, or even hate. These parts of ourselves are what is generally called “shadows” and these are the parts of us that come to life whenever we get intimate with another person and there is a trigger. This point is where many love relationships end, because we tend to run away to protect ourselves from pain. But as we continue to do that, relationship after relationship, we just keep ourselves away from balance, away from our own power.
So, accept the importance of that significant other person in your life, be it a romantic partner or not, a friend or an enemy. And then, face what they do or say that triggers a strong reaction in you. We must face what feels threatening to us, instead of running away. It is not about confronting the other person, but confronting ourselves.
October 25th: Scorpio New Moon (partial solar eclipse)
Moon and Sun conjunct at 2° of Scorpio
Moon and Sun conjunct Venus
In the very beginning of Scorpio, we face some of our fears and difficult emotions, our powerlessness. We come apparently to the “end of the line”. But actually, we come to this dark place to discover our inner strength, to light up our own inner light so we can light up the way ahead. It is not a real end of the line. But from now on, we need to move through uncharted territory. In other words, we need to transform. We just can’t keep taking the same actions, trying the same outcomes. It is obvious that it is not working, not anymore. And we must accept our transformation, or we will just be stuck at this point.
This is a time to dismantle the hard shells of our soul, releasing what is in the essence. It is a time to face our doses of pain and heaviness, so we can start to dismantle it and be free for a happier existence. We must accept the transformation and let go of our old ways which don’t work anymore. We need to come up with something new, something creative. We are the ones who are supposed to light up the way ahead, create an alternative, create a trail and start charting an unknown territory. You will build it as you move through it.
Now, the partial solar eclipse during this new moon culminates in a total lunar eclipse on the full moon night. Eclipses activate the Nodes of the Moon and are, thus, related to a reorientation of some sort, where we complete issues related to the South Node and move towards the North Node.
With the North Node in Taurus, we are moving towards what makes us stronger, more confident, more abundant and self-sustainable. But with Uranus conjunct the North Node, this is by no means the old known traditional path to real security and wealth. It is actually an innovative path where we are required to go beyond our limitations. I have explained this energy especially in the Taurus Lunar Cycle, six months ago, when we had the last lunar eclipse.
There is a relation between this cycle of Scorpio and Taurus lunar cycle, which occurred in May. By that time, we saw a partial solar eclipse in Taurus leading to a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Now, in this cycle of Scorpio, we see a partial solar eclipse in Scorpio leading to a total lunar eclipse in Taurus. Also, Jupiter was in the first degree of Aries during that Scorpio lunar eclipse and is now at the same degree, but retrograde. And it is retrograding until the 28° of Pisces, where it was conjunct Venus during the Taurus solar eclipse.
So, during this cycle of Scorpio, we are completing a cycle of transformation that was highlighted during that time. We are living the transformation inside our cells, where the energy is being released from the essence, eliminating all superficial layers so it can move through us and transform our lives.
Now, Venus is conjunct this new moon. There is the potential for a deep transformation of value in this cycle. This is a time to welcome a transformation of what you value, what you love, what you feel deserving of. This is a time to empower your heart and your relationships, by facing the dark spots. It can be deep and intense, requiring that you abandon old values, old forms of relating, that have not served you anymore. You must accept the end of something as it was, so it can be transformed.
This is a time to dig deep into ourselves so we can find our essential parts. There is something new rising from this essential part of us, a new sense of self-value. And this can create new types of bonding to others and connections that are more attuned to who we have become. We may miss certain things and people from the past and still cherish them, but we need to face this reality check (Saturn). We have been shown, day by day, that things have changed.
Sometimes we get caught in the superficial parts of our experiences and relationships, and forget what is really important about them. We forget the essence. Then, inevitably, the essence will want to make itself heard. To do so, it will remove the layers, even break the layers to expose the truth. We may take some time to process it all, but eventually we will come to realize what is the truth, who we really are in a relationship.
This is the beginning of self-empowerment. We must first abandon all the layers, the superficial parts of ourselves, to uncover the deep feelings, the deep needs and urges, the truth about ourselves.
Mars, ruler of Scorpio, in Gemini
Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini
Mars is slowing down to become retrograde on October 30th, at 26° of Gemini. We are experimenting with the power of our essence, trying actions that can be straightforward, communicating sharply and negotiating in strict terms. We can be crystal clear about what we want to manifest in our lives.
There can be revelations or surprises. What you have been doing behind the scenes may now come to light. This is a time to reveal your plans, or even shock others with your real intentions. If you have been working on something in a very discreet manner, now is the time to take it to the next level and bring it to the public. There are things to be exposed, shared and communicated during this cycle.
Both Gemini and Libra are air signs, they are good negotiators and very intelligent. This helps us to talk and find common ground with others, it helps us in understanding the other person’s view and intentions, as much as our own.
November 1st: Aquarius First Quarter
Moon at 9° of Aquarius square Sun at 9° of Scorpio
Moon in Aquarius square Venus in Scorpio
During this phase, we should make an effort to detach ourselves, following the urge to be free. This is a time to disentangle your soul from emotional slavery. And it can be intense!
There can be power struggles, others wanting to control you, control your life. They can pierce through you with their words too (Mercury in Scorpio), and may even call it love (Venus). But with the Sun conjunct Venus in Scorpio we can see it clearly. And with the South Node added to this aspect, we are just tired of it, maybe even sick of it.
We should move into another direction that’s innovative and maybe radical (North Node in Taurus). Even if we have been insecure to take a different path, now the tension is becoming unbearable. Our souls know that we want to free ourselves from situations and relationships that have become oppressive, and don’t fit who we are now.
Our soul knows that love is not manipulation and abuse. Love is not emotional dependency, and is not supposed to be self-destructive. And now we can see which circumstances in our lives do not offer love.
We are allowing the pain to step out and step away, by assuming our own need to be free from it. And we should thrive for our freedom now, even if it means looking for the authorities (Saturn) to protect ourselves, our space and individuality.
Mercury in Scorpio (mutual reception to Mars in Gemini)
If during the new moon, when Mercury was in Libra, we still had a chance to talk and negotiate with our significant others, now it is all or nothing. We are more aware of our wounds and weaknesses, our fears and shadows. We know where there is no negotiation.
Mars retrograde in Gemini
Now Mars is retrograde, until January 12, which causes it to transit through the sign of Gemini for longer than it would normally do. It is helping us in getting more intentional with our self-will, our actions and initiatives. In Gemini, it is helping us in getting clearer on our plans, our next moves and experimentations. It helps us in taking small, simple, but still crucial steps in whatever it is we are intending to do.
We are not supposed to be experts and achievers just yet. We are supposed to learn and experiment. We are practicing for the future. We are transforming at a slower pace this cycle, and it helps to balance the intensity of the eclipse season. Although there may be critical upheavals and sudden change, we can take the time to act with forethinking instead of reacting to the moment.
November 8th: Taurus Full Moon (total lunar eclipse)
Moon at 16° of Taurus opposite the Sun at 16° of Scorpio
Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus
Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio
T-square to Saturn in Aquarius
This full moon can be overwhelming to the mind, to relationships, and all those parts of you who are still stuck in the old outdated ways. Freedom can feel frightening in the beginning and change can be very uncomfortable. This is a time when we may feel destabilized and frustrated. There can be sudden endings and break-ups.
But, actually, this is the beginning of a new stabilization. It is here in total instability where we will start to create a new stability, new foundation, a new source of abundance and safety. This is a time to create a new sense of self-love, new self-confidence and self-respect (North Node in Taurus).
Applying old concepts to solve our problems and trying to stabilize ourselves though that old base, returning to the old for safety, will prove to be unsatisfying, frustrating. So, really, watch out for not repeating a pattern, be as alert as possible during this full moon. Understand that change and innovation are taking you where you want to go, not conformity to the past.
So, we are given the opportunity to operate powerful changes in our lives. But it is crucial that we are open to transformation. We will experience loss in a way, but it is crucial that we understand that we are losing something to gain another. Uranus always brings liberation. Yes, it feels stressful and we can miss the old days. But it is our liberation from the past and a step into the future. And it is important that we do so, because this is our responsibility to others which will be impacted by our innovative steps. We want to foster the future and not perpetuate the past.
Grand water trine: Neptune in Pisces, Lilith in Cancer and Sun-Mercury in Scorpio
This very subtle yet powerful grand trine is possibly awakening in us some deeply rooted fears. We are facing all the consequences, good and bad, of some of our soul’s past actions (T-square to Saturn). We must also face possible hard consequences of what we may have not accepted as our responsibility, but actually is our responsibility. If we have failed to acknowledge our spiritual duty, our dharma, at least what is required of us to acknowledge at this point of our lives, there can be frustration, destabilization and changes that we don’t feel ready for. We can be paranoid and anxious about it, feeling that we have no security at all, no self confidence. And that’s because we will not have gained enough experience and wisdom, if we haven’t met our spiritual duties, our dharma, until this point.
It is also important that we understand that if we have been too attached to the old days, to the old ways, then we are most probably just being egotistical. Changes are not here for our own good only. There are changes that are good to us although we may not see it like this. And there are changes that we may not want to accept, but they are much needed, to us and to the whole of our soul’s connections, the people connected to us somehow. And it is our responsibility to some of them to change, adapt and take a new step in our lives. If we don’t, there will be another time for it, for sure. But may we use our current time wisely, because every day is an opportunity for soul growth.
Also, because Mars retrograde in Gemini is coming closer to make a trine to Saturn in Aquarius, we still have time to make corrections and show up for our spiritual duties in this cycle. The intensity of the energy can help us take quantum leaps in awareness about our soul’s purposes. And that is the promise of the next phase, the last quarter moon.
November 16th: Leo Last Quarter
Moon at 25° of Leo square Sun at 25° of Scorpio
Sun trine Jupiter (grand-trine)
This phase brings us lessons about self-sufficiency and how to nourish our own potentialities. We have heard our soul’s calling, even if just for a moment, and that has made us more conscious of who we truly are. And now we may feel that we must respond to our soul’s calling, whenever and wherever it speaks to us, because our soul always guides us.
This is a time to understand what’s not right, what is out of balance, and learn to demand and honor what we feel is truly right for us. You may have been through great challenges lately, to arrive at this point knowing what you value and what you choose, knowing what you want, and what you definitely don’t want. Even with our duties, we should come to realize that we really want to meet them because it is important that we do it. If we don’t feel like this, then it is most probably not our duty in this lifetime.
Venus in Sagittarius
So, it can be clearer now what we want to engage in. And to do that, there are other parts of our lives which we can’t put any more energy into. Although we have been guided to be moderate until this point, to balance all sides of a situation, now we have arrived at a threshold. We just can’t take both ways. Now is the time to understand that to do certain things, there are other things we must give up doing. There are certain contradictions that just can’t be solved, and so we need to choose one side of a situation.
Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (exact)
Whichever side we choose, there are consequences we must face and accept. So, we need to be very aware of what we are consciously choosing during this time, because it carries our signature on it and the universe will make it official, so to speak. Thus, we need to know what are our true values, what we really cherish at this point of our soul’s journey. And we have been shown this back in Taurus season, when Jupiter and Venus aligned in Pisces precisely where Jupiter is now starting to station direct.
Mars retrograde in Gemini square Neptune (stronger during the last quarter)
Because Mars has started a retrograde period in Gemini, it is now squaring Neptune for the second time, and will square it for a third time when Mars transits direct, in March, 2023.
This can be a confusing time where we may feel lost. It is a time to embrace your spiritual warrior, as I have explained during the first square between Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces. Embrace your willingness to try something new, no matter how strong the pull from the past. Be willing to take a step with courage, even if you are totally unsure of where it will lead you. We may feel discouraged and lack the energy to fight for anything, but we need to understand that this is a challenging time when we are supposed to keep believing.
Neptune has a way of bringing deception and oblivion. These are difficult challenges to our ego, because we always want to be victorious and recognized for our merits. But the soul is just so much bigger than the ego, it doesn’t care for our personal victory or reputation. It wants us to serve higher purposes, larger than our individual lives. From the soul’s perspective, victory has to be collective and recognition comes from spirit.
Thank you for reading! I wish you a transformational cycle! See ya 🙇