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Sagittarius Lunar Cycle

Sagittarius Lunar Cycle - Dec 4th, 2021 to Jan 1, 2022

Each lunar cycle starts with a new moon, which represents beginnings and creative energy. But this new beginning is fed by the energies of the last cycle. For this new moon in Sagittarius, we are being fed by the energies that culminated in the last Taurus full moon, on November 19th, which was also a lunar eclipse. That was a time of strengthening our physical reality. Scorpio season has taken us to the underworld and there we found the roots of our abundance. It was the internal empowerment of the soul that brought the strength to grow externally. We are starting now to infuse our experiences with this expanding energy, to take us further.

New Moon (Dec 4th): Sun and Moon united (conjunct) at 12°21’ of Sagittarius

Sun and Moon aligned with (conjunct) Mercury in Sagittarius

Sun, Moon and Mercury in tension (square) with Neptune (direct since Dec 1st) in Pisces

Sun, Moon and Mercury in potential harmony with Saturn in Aquarius

This is a time for speaking the truth and speaking it out loud! Maybe we are trying to make things official, or make a statement about something. If it is real, we are granted with an opportunity to be rewarded for our efforts. Whatever we have to say, it must pass the test of veracity. In Sagittarius, we see it all under bright light. We don’t have the excuse for “not knowing” anymore. And that puts us face to face with the real consequences of our actions. The truth just can’t be hidden at this stage.

This cycle is about coming up with a hope, a purpose, a direction amidst all confusion and illusion. There can also be disillusionment, but it is supposed to make us more realistic, not stop believing. We are being called to be audacious and adventurous in facing the unknown.

We should believe in ourselves and our plans, although we may not have it all figured out yet. There are powerful forces at play which we just can’t control anyway. Still, we should trust this deep process of erasing the past, finally letting go and sacrificing beliefs that no longer fit.

Sagittarius is the symbol for victory over the shadows. Meaning it is the power of the will being given a final test. And the final test of the will (your inner strength) is a simple question: do you believe in yourself? Being the last fire sign, mutable (to be transmuted), this cycle takes you to a completion by passing the final test.

When we go through the depths of transformation in Scorpio, we face our unconscious. It carries many fears, trauma and pain from past experiences. But it also carries many potentials, an incredible regenerative capacity and emotional healing. But is it in Sagittarius that we return from the shadows with the power in our hands. We bring those shadows to the light of consciousness. And we are tested to make sure we have really absorbed the unconscious into our consciousness: we have really learned the lesson.

It is much like this: the ancient patterns and limited beliefs return and we feel a pull from the past, we are inclined to think and act the same way we did before (before the realization of shadows in Scorpio). And that’s when we must prove we have really changed, by thinking and acting in a new manner, one that corresponds to what you have just learned about yourself. We need to make an effort to choose to think and act according to our recently expanded consciousness. But with time it will also become natural ;-)

The thing is that we are being called to accept some responsibilities, having passed the test. There are long-term goals that we should be aware of and they require some effort to be achieved. We should take in careful consideration what we can do to improve our lives and take action with a real willingness to grow and expand our possibilities. It is also important to know our limitations and boundaries so we don’t get overwhelmed in the process.

There is new energy infusing our minds in this cycle, which can be stabilized generating concrete realizations. But we have to believe it! What we can truly believe now holds a potential to really change our lives.

Venus in Capricorn aligned with (conjunct) Pluto in Capricorn

Venus in potential harmony (sextile) with Mars in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces

Collectively and maybe personally, we are going through a regeneration of our values. Regeneration of authorities and their relationship to those who depend on them. Regeneration of solid structures that transform relationships and values. There may be powerful people in our lives, powerful relationships that can help us leave the past behind. Maybe we are these people for others.

Powerful and wise women are making important decisions for the future and the new generations, if only for their children. They may be starting to concretize the new values, making them solid and efficient to be applied in the reformations of old structures and patterns. Money can be applied for a deep cause, a regeneration, a transformation to make things more stable on a new ideal level.

Mars in Scorpio in harmony with (trine) Neptune in Pisces

Mars in Scorpio in tension (square) with Jupiter in Aquarius

There can be a huge flow of feelings and waters all around. Much of what has been repressed, accumulated or stuck is now easily opening up, flowing with great intensity, generating great and deep transformations. We can rise much wiser from this emotional release.

To expand and grow beyond those well known surroundings, it is crucial that we make the effort to transform inside. It all begins inside, in our own energy and how we use it. You may come to realize that your development starts deep inside you, with your self-empowerment and self-control. You realize it is not just a matter of believing it. It is a test of your deep motivations.

You can’t hide the truth from the universe because the universe can read your energy and translate it to you, through the opportunities that you may or may not have. It all depends on the message that you are sending to the universe through your energy patterns. And collective experiences are a result of this process taking place on a larger scale.

In order to expand our concepts of ourselves and the world, making the reformation that is needed in our belief systems, we have to be cirurgical and precise in removing the shadowy parts of ourselves. The things that aren’t beautiful, that are sad but true, need to be acknowledged and transformed. We shouldn’t avoid dealing with the tabus and unpleasant feelings, rather we must strategically and efficiently just make a final statement about them, after having understood the fears that lie behind them. In the Sagittarius season, we learn how to overcome it through faith in ourselves.

The ruler of this new moon is Jupiter, which is in the innovative, reformative and progressive sign of Aquarius. This is definitely a calling from the future. We are being called to make the changes that we need to make, to not be stuck or hooked to past beliefs, past patterns of action, rigid and decaying systems. We need to make reformations, we need to adapt our mindset to the new reality of the Earth.

First Quarter in Pisces (Dec 11th)

Moon aligned with (conjunct) Neptune

Jupiter in Aquarius in potential harmony (sextile) with the Sun in Sagittarius

Mars aligned with (conjunct) the South Node, closing the tension to Jupiter in Aquarius

Exact alignment (conjunction) between Venus and Pluto!

Are you ready to let the past go and move on? Opportunities can show up for us to explore new paths and horizons. You can finally go further in your studies, make that travel you have planned, make progress somehow. The last pieces of old beliefs and subconscious emotions that prevent us from expanding and moving forward are being removed.

Aspects during the first half of the cycle

Mars sextile Pluto (Dec/6)

Mercury square Neptune (Dec/7)

Mars square Jupiter (Dec/8)

Mercury sextile Jupiter (Dec/11)

Venus conjunct Pluto (Dec/11)

Sun square Neptune (Dec/12)

Mercury in Capricorn (Dec/13)

Mars in Sagittarius (Dec/13)

Mars opposite North Node (Dec/14)

Full Moon in Gemini (Dec 19th): Moon in Gemini opposite the Sun in Sagittarius

Moon in harmony (trine) with Jupiter in Aquarius

Sun in potential harmony (sextile) with Jupiter in Aquarius

Sun and Moon in a dissolving tension (square) with Neptune

Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus

Venus stations retrograde

Mars in Sagittarius

With this full moon, we experience a confrontation of the more immature and superficial parts of ourselves, a younger, inexperienced and curious self with another self which has developed a belief system (has learned it from parents and teachers) and has many “certainties”. A confrontation of a self that hasn’t been yet infused with beliefs about itself and life and the self that already has formed a mental pattern.

Well, the North Node is pointing to the immaculate self! And this full moon is really an opportunity to erase the past belief system that is preventing us from returning to a self that is more open to new learnings. We are forming a new belief system based on our own experiences, one that is more supportive of our future developments.

Last Quarter in Libra (Dec 27th)

Sun in Capricorn (Solstice)

Moon in a growing trine with Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Sagittarius

Sun in a growing trine with Uranus retrograde in Taurus

Saturn square Uranus exact

Mercury growing conjunction with Venus and Pluto

Mercury exact sextile with Neptune in Pisces

Venus retrograde exact conjunction with Pluto

Jupiter in the very last degree of Aquarius

North Node in Taurus

There are many critical aspects during this last quarter! They suggest we are approaching a “gran finale”, by giving voice to the transformative values. There may be a lot of communicating ideals, planning to make dreams come true, being pragmatic to achieve those dreams. There can be many young people making protests and they will be heard.

The issue to be understood here is that change is inevitable when it comes to the management of material resources. It all comes from nature and we have exceeded nature’s limits. We have overextended the value of money and it doesn’t match the value of material resources anymore. This economic condition is simply unsustainable and has reached a point of deep crisis which requires a change in action.

We can be losing many comforts, luxuries and excesses. We may not even see them as great comforts because we have never lived without them. This can apply to many things for different generations, for example, electricity for older people and internet for the younger. While many of these facilities can certainly be dealt with in a more sustainable and ecological manner, others just won’t be possible anymore. The world is changing and so do us!

Aspects during the second half of the cycle

Sun sextile Jupiter (Dec/20)

Mercury trine Uranus (Dec/20)

Sun in Capricorn - Solstice (Dec/21)

North Node in Taurus

Saturn square Uranus (Dec/24)

Venus conjunct Pluto (Dec/25)

Mercury sextile Neptune (Dec/26)

Jupiter square North Node (Dec/27)

Jupiter in Pisces (Dec/29)

Mercury conjunct Venus (Dec/29)

Mercury conjunct Pluto (Dec/30)

Mars sextile Saturn (Dec/30)

Sun trine Uranus (Jan/1)

Mercury trine North Node (Jan/1)

*These energies will affect your life in accordance to the position of planets in your own natal chart. You can contact me for more specifics ;-)

I hope you have enjoyed this post and I wish you a powerful lunar cycle 🙌

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