This is the closure of the Pisces lunar cycle, which started with the Pisces New Moon on February 20th. Now, with the last quarter moon, we see the Sun and the Moon again 90 degrees apart from each other, making a square, just like in the first quarter moon. But this second square prompts us to empower ourselves through wisdom, so we can move to the next cycle with more maturity.
March 15th: Sagittarius Last Quarter Moon
The whole cycle of Pisces has been a process of release and letting go. It has taught us something about faith and the acceptance of endings, and it has shown us what can be healed and purified in our lives now. This cycle has offered us a chance to go in many directions with our thoughts so we could visualize the future we want for ourselves.
Now, what we truly want for ourselves has been questioned by the universe during this cycle. True will is what moves our souls in the direction of our life's potential and purpose. So, we should listen to what our heart truly wants from life, because this is taking us to self-realization, and only a self-realized soul can really achieve its own spiritual purpose. In other words, when you feel joy and hope in your heart, that’s when you have the necessary energy to expand in the right direction for your soul to accomplish its spiritual purpose. And that is the biggest lesson of Sagittarius.
Find the house of your chart which has Sagittarius in its beginning. This is the area of your life where you are being challenged to see the direction that your true will is taking you to. What raises your passion for life? What gives you a feeling of being renewed? What truly excites you and instigates you to take action? This Sagittarius last quarter moon is asking us to deeply understand that our own true will shouldn’t be avoided, actually we should feed this true will, if we want to accomplish our spiritual purpose in this life.
This spiritual purpose is the consciousness and awareness we get from Jupiter, which is the ruler of Sagittarius. Now, during this Sagittarius last quarter moon, there are no planets in aspects with Jupiter. And the Moon in Sagittarius is involved in a very tense configuration, a T-square: opposite Mars in Gemini and square the Sun, Neptune and Mercury triple conjunction in Pisces.
That’s a lot. So let’s take a closer look at these aspects.
Sun exactly conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Mercury conjunct the Sun and Neptune
This is highlighting the end of certain cycles and phases in our lives, again, which are not news. These endings have been announced since last year, and especially around the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces in April. That has involved, among other things, the understanding of spiritual values in a broader perspective. The so-called Age of Pisces is ending, with many of its beliefs and unconscious fears ending with it.
So, every natural ending is preceded by a time of weakening and loss of energy. For example, when a relationship is ending, both people tend to diminish interaction and get distanced from each other. When a person is near the end of life, this person feels weaker and tired. Now, we are not usually fine with endings that we wouldn’t want to happen. It may take us a longer time to actually assimilate the end of something that we love in our lives. But that’s really how we can assimilate the value of the experience, because it then becomes a part of who we are.
As we assimilate the end of previous cycles, we gradually open space for the next cycles and new experiences that we are then prepared for. That and that’s how our soul evolves! As attached as we might be to our temporary experiences, it is a natural law of life: everything which has a beginning must have an ending. And the ending is always a new beginning.
The new beginning is always fresh, there is passion and audacity. And that’s symbolized by Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. So, as much tired or just lazy we may have been feeling this cycle, we benefit from being aware of the transition we are in, and keep the faith. There will soon be a new beginning and fresh energy will sprout with it.
Moon in Sagittarius opposite Mars in Gemini (T-square Sun, Neptune and Mercury)
There can be a lot of noise inside our minds, and many discussions around us. There can be arguing and a lot of unrest in our relationships. Others may not understand or accept our will. It is best to just silence discussions for now. Each one should have the necessary time to assimilate the facts.
We should make an effort now to have some solitude time, in order to be more aware of ourselves, our emotions and thoughts. That helps us dissipate the noise inside and outside, so we can hear the one true voice, the voice of our souls.
This is a time to silence our minds a little bit, so we can make the right choice for ourselves. The Moon in Sagittarius is helping us be intuitive. We are being challenged to see where we want to go, what we really have time and energy for. What we are tired of is already obvious. Show the universe what you really believe in, what is true for you now, what makes you vibrate.
Moon trine Venus
Venus sextile Mars and square Pluto
The Moon in Sagittarius in harmonic aspect with Venus in Aries is helping us to see our self-value, be sure of our self-worth and understand that this is a time to believe in what we feel we deserve, what we feel that has our name on it.
Venus in Aries is also in a harmonic aspect with Mars in Gemini, which adds to this energy of a strong spirit because Mars is the agent of will power. But the square between Venus and Pluto is a challenge to our capacity to keep the high-value, and keep the confidence.
So, as much as this Pisces cycle opens us up to transcendent realities and deep emotions, there really is a chance of losing ourselves in the way, getting totally caught up in illusions, or even forgetting about who we really are. And the fiery energies of Venus in Aries and the Moon in Sagittarius, and Mars involved too, can actually help us remember who we really are and what we truly want. This is helping us be renewed so we can feel more passionate about life, again.
Saturn in Pisces’ first degree
Saturn in harmonic aspects with the Nodes of the Moon
Pisces themes have been strong lately. Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces in March 2022, now Saturn in Pisces for about 3 years, and in 2025 coming to a conjunction to Neptune still in Pisces and then exact in the first degree of the whole zodiac, Aries 1 degree. These are all huge and rare astrological events!
I have mentioned in my last video how this strong Pisces theme is about grand finales. And while Saturn transits Pisces, these endings which have been already announced will take place for real. And they will elevate our energies to the next round in the spiral of our spiritual ascension.
Now, Saturn will start to make harmonic aspects with the Nodes of the Moon. As much as with Saturn there is always some level of difficulty and challenge involved, with these harmonic aspects to the nodes, we can expect more ease to win these challenges. We can be more willing to dedicate time and effort to win these challenges, and so we help the transition process to flow, rather than fighting against it.
I am preparing a special post about Saturn in Pisces to dig deeper into this energy.
So, finally we are closing the Pisces lunar cycle, the last one of the astrological year, because Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. This is a complex and delicate time in our lives. It is in this cycle that every experience, every learning and every emotion, is absorbed in the soul, which then goes through some kind of transcendence of the whole cycle, to begin something totally new.
And that’s where we are now, and this energy is playing out in the part of your astrological chart which has Pisces in its beginning. Even if you’re not going through any kind of big personal event, you can work actively with this energy by voluntarily releasing something in order to open space for new things to come your way.
We are souls constantly weaving with the tides of the universe around us. Things always change and they will change eventually, because that’s how life is. And so we should be constantly adapting, releasing and opening space for the universe to surprise us, every time, again and again.
Blessed be. 🙇
Thank you for reading! I would like to tell you about the ASTROLOGICAL JOURNAL I have released, to help you take note of your insights during each lunar cycle of the next astrological year starting on March 20th, 2023. I want to help you analyze your own chart and the moon’s transits in it during this year, so you can start to give yourself some powerful answers. See ya!