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Have Faith - Pisces New Moon February 20 2023

This is the beginning of the Pisces lunar cycle, when the Sun and the Moon align in the sky, in a conjunction, that is, 0 degree apart, in the sign of Pisces to give birth to a new reality. This is a time to set an intention for a new cycle in our soul growth, and we should find the part of our own natal astrological chart which has the sign of Pisces in it. This is the area of our life’s experience where we are being called to let it be and let it go, accept the endings and believe it will all be alright.

February 20th: Pisces New Moon

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the one that closes each cycle in the spiral of evolution. Thus, Pisces is associated with endings and transcendence, with death itself. It is in Pisces that everything collected from the current experience can be assimilated, and a new experience can be made possible.

Pisces is a mutable water sign. It means that this transcendence process is an emotional process (relating to the element of water) and a transformative process (relating to the mutable modality). It is both a cleansing and a fertilizing process, just like rain and just like tears.

There can be a lot of tears in the Pisces cycle. This is natural and acceptable at this time. It is a cleansing and fertilization of the soul, a sacred ritual of passage which requires that we have faith. Faith in life, faith in ourselves, faith in the process itself.

Sun and Moon conjunct at 1°22’ of Pisces

Sun and Moon conjunct Saturn in the last degrees of Aquarius

Harmonic aspects to the Nodes of the Moon

This is the beginning of the dissolution of the old structures, old patterns of behavior and outdated mindset. It is a time for transcendence. Saturn, still in Aquarius, is giving us a solid base to rely upon so we can move through these times of change with responsibility. We are preparing for some sort of letting go in an area of our lives, and it can be a big letting go with Saturn conjunct this new moon.

We are just about to enter a new phase, and we may be sensing it or even visualizing it with Jupiter in Aries, but we are still on the other side of the river. And it can feel like a giant river, it may even be a whole ocean. Because it looks like an impossible task, we may feel lost and unsure if we really want to cross that river. And we may feel a lot of anxiety for not knowing what lies on the other side. We are afraid of the unknown.

The truth is that we really need to have faith and just believe that, somehow, we will be able to do it, and it will be alright. This is the biggest lesson of Pisces: to have faith in the universe, to trust life! Even when things get ugly, we should see it as the universe triggering us, because it knows we can respond to the experience, it knows we will grow out of the experience, and that we will shine our light throughout it.

So, trust the universe! It will give you just exactly the chance to grasp what is best for you, even if you don’t understand it right away. But of course, you have to take it!

The thing is that in the first degrees of Pisces, when the energy is not yet mastered, there can be a lot of confusion. Amongst the universe’s best thing offered to you, there are a myriad of other misleading options. This is because we need to learn how to master intuition. We may take a fear or emotion as an intuitive thought, and be misled by it.

Jupiter and Neptune, rulers of Pisces

Jupiter in Aries, Neptune in Pisces

Jupiter in Aries is helping us be aware of who we are and where we stand now. It is helping us believe in ourselves, believe we can take the right path for ourselves. This is so beneficial now, to have Jupiter in Aries, so we have support to stand our ground, because it is important that we do so now. Pisces energy can be misleading when it is not mastered, and we can end up giving our power away, self-sacrificing too much, even self-sabotaging unconsciously, or being caught in a web of lies and illusions.

It is important to remember that Jupiter and Neptune have been conjunct in Pisces last year, around the 23rd degree. This Pisces lunar cycle ends with the Sagittarius last quarter moon, on March 15th, when we will see the Sun and Neptune conjunct around the 24th degree of Pisces. These transits near the end of the whole zodiac are teaching us something about transcendence and how to master our intuition, so we can move through this process the best way we can.

Venus in critical last degree of Pisces, exactly sextile Pluto in critical last degree of Capricorn

This cycle is giving us an opportunity to assimilate the value of our past experiences, and their contribution to the next phase in our lives. It is also giving us an opportunity to make room for new possibilities, new choices, new values.

There will be an opportunity to master our power of attraction during this cycle, and attract to ourselves what is really good to us, what nourishes us and makes us stronger. This is helping us to move through the changes without getting lost in the way.

This is a time to know what needs to be removed in ourselves and our lives so we can improve our self-worth, improve our values and feel better about ourselves. This can be tough because we may be emotionally attached to the way things used to be, and the removal can feel intense and threatening. But Pluto always does surgical work in order to transform us from deep within.

Mercury in Aquarius activating Mars in Gemini trough a soft trine

Mercury square Uranus

Amongst all the emotional vibe of this moment, we can slowly make our connections again. We are creating new stories, after a period of rethinking and revisiting our past stories when Mars was retrograde. We are starting to understand things we didn’t understand before. It is time to open our minds a bit more to what is around us, and broaden our perspective of what we are experiencing now at this time of our lives.

We may suddenly realize that the past is gone. Just like a door closes, certain parts of our lives are shut and our reality suddenly changes, because we can’t walk through that door anymore. And that's it!

Endings make us speechless! Being alive is an intense experience and we certainly benefit from having faith, from being idealistic and going for the big fish, believing in a better future! Times like these remind us of how short our lives are and thus, we should make the best of it. Make the best of your life’s experiences. Be them good or bad, they will transform you and make you transcend your own limitations, they will renew you.

Thank you for reading! I would like to tell you about the ASTROLOGICAL JOURNAL I have released, to help you take note of your insights during each lunar cycle of the next astrological year starting on March 20th, 2023. I want to help you analyze your own chart and the moon’s transits in it during this year, so you can start to give yourself some powerful answers.

Wish you a transcendent cycle! 🙇‍

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