New Moon in Pisces
Sun and Moon united (conjunct) at 12°06’ of Pisces
During this Pisces Lunar Cycle, all planets are direct, which means we can experience a moving forward, things getting pace. Personal planets are transiting Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the last signs of the zodiac, and they are aligning with the transpersonal outer planets.
We see radical tendencies emerging: in Capricorn, there can be excessive ambition. In Aquarius, excessive detachment and rationality in dealing with people's feelings and personal needs. It is going to be the Pisces energy which will redeem or curse us. So, this cycle can expose how systems may work to fulfil an egotistical interest, but it will also teach us about the consequences of this. It can be heart-breaking, or heart-lifting.
So, what is Pisces about?
Letting go
Faith in the unknown
Invisible enemies - viruses, bacteria, contaminated water
Invisible enemies - bad intentioned people which we are not aware of
Mental confusion
Deception and deceptive behaviour
Betrayal and self-betrayal
“Self-undoing” - experiences which can damage the sense of self, even to the point of developing mental diseases, in the case ego boundaries are already fragile
“Self-undoing” - experiences which can challenge egotistical behaviour, developing humbleness, in the case of an inflated ego
Royal or distinct people (heroes and legendary figures), because they stand apart from the people
Big and wild animals, our own wild nature
Vacation and retiring
Feeling connected to what is around you
Connecting with collective unconscious
This cycle is about the culmination of power and the need to transform the structures of our world through the use of that power. Yes, it is surely about the important political disputes taking place right now, but I want to focus on individual soul growth and how we can benefit from these astrological aspects.
We can see the use of power by certain individuals which are granted with this power, coming from the group unconscious. Whatever is very alive and active in a group’s deep unconscious will come to the surface during this cycle, manifested in the actions and commands of powerful individuals in that group. There are many possible outcomes for it, depending on what the group has nourished inside as a collective unity. It will reflect our feelings of empathy, or lack of it, towards one another.
There is a great concentration of energies, both in Capricorn with Pluto and in Aquarius with Saturn, besides the Pisces strong influence on this new moon. It means there can be radicalism and even cruelty, but there can also be compassion and forgiveness, which can truly liberate us from the past.
There is another facet to this energy which can’t be ignored. It can initiate an extremely destabilising period of time. This is natural in such transformational times and it can be messy in the beginning. We may have to detach and give up on something, but we can be surprised with what emerges from that. There are a thousand possible outcomes and unexpected results coming from these energies. We will need to exercise focus and mental clarity so we don’t get lost and confused.
Besides the Sun and the Moon in Pisces, Jupiter and Neptune are also in Pisces and they are the rulers of this sign. Neptune has been transiting Pisces since 2011 and will be until 2026. Neptune symbolises the subtle energies operating in the deep unconscious, through our dreams and emotions, which can be mysterious, tricky and difficult to understand. It is about developing our dream capacity and emotional intelligence.
Now, Jupiter started its transit in Pisces last year and will finish it by the end of this year of 2022. Jupiter in Pisces provides expansion into the unknown through opportunities that require a leap of faith. It also increases the sensibility, artistic and cultural developments in individuals of a group, especially under the influence of leaders and idols. But this transit can also exaggerate the subtle energies operating in the deep unconscious (Neptune), leading to confusion, excessive idealism, escapism, deception and victimisation.
Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius
Venus, Mars and Pluto united (conjunct) in Capricorn
Now, Mercury united with Saturn in Aquarius can help us with mental objectivity and even an extraordinary capacity to see connections between people and situations. Actually, being rational and pragmatic, but also inventive and future oriented, will help us make the right connections and communicate with great clarity.
Venus has been in Capricorn longer than Mars, but Mars is exalted in this sign, which means that our will and action can be totally focused on our goals and ambitions above all. This can be problematic especially because Pluto is united with Mars, providing it with the power to achieve. Whatever action is conducted under this energy, it has to be responsible and mature, because they will have great repercussions. We are facing a challenging time that requires the appliance of diplomacy and peace.
Now, Venus is united with Mars to provide it with valuable choices. We will be able to see what is good for all involved and how all can benefit from the changes. Venus is the ruler of Taurus where Uranus is transiting since 2018 and will be until 2026. Also, Venus is in exact harmonic alignment with (trine) the North Node also in Taurus. So, it is crucial that we apply Venus’ principles of diplomacy and peace, through justice and well-being for all, not only for a particular person or group. Plus, Venus has been transiting Capricorn since December and has met Pluto twice. This means that some lessons are being insisted upon, lessons about personal relationships and values and how they have been structured in a group or society. You can check my post and video about Venus conjunct Pluto for more information (I`ll put the link below).
Of course, all of these transits may have a specific tone for you depending on your natal astrological positions, because they can interact with your natal chart in a challenging or harmonic manner. Whatever is the case, you can certainly benefit from understanding them better and how they work with you. At this point, I can help you with my personal readings. You can learn more about it on my website
First Quarter Moon at 19°50’ of Gemini
This waxing moon asks us to give voice to something, maybe something we are not sure about, maybe it is just a feeling or a fear. But giving voice to it will make it more understandable and workable, similarly to a therapy session where you suddenly realise what is really going on when you verbalise it. Messages and information should be made as clear as possible, because there can be misunderstandings and confusion with Mercury in Pisces and all the other planets in this sign.
Now, Venus and Mars are united in Aquarius, along with Saturn. There may be something important that we must decide about a situation, or many situations, because Aquarius is a sign that deals with multiple realities. We should check all areas of our lives to see how they connect. Aquarius allows us to experience and see that everything is connected and that reality is made of multiple systems interacting with one another all the time.
What has been your role in the many sectors of your life? How are you affecting others? How do you see yourself? How do you relate with other people’s feelings and your own? How can you become a better human being? Not a better professional, a better spouse or better mother. How can you become a better human being? It’s time to make these deep questions and considerations, because now is also the time to change what needs to be changed on a deep level.
Full Moon at 27°40’ of Virgo
This full moon in the last degrees of Virgo, with the Sun in the last degrees of the zodiac in Pisces, along with Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury all in Pisces as well, indicates that we really are closing a cycle in our lives. There is something about the Pisces part of your chart that is never going to be the same. It’s time to finally be done with something and with Pluto aligned with the Sun and the Moon, it is unavoidable. We work best with this energy if we just accept it and give it space to transform us.
Your dreams may be vivid during this time. Trust your soul’s ability to dive into the unconscious and learn from it with Mercury in Pisces. Try to meditate if you find it difficult to remember your dreams. Just give your mind some extra periods of silence and no stimuli. You need to silence your mind in order to feel your soul. And I say “feel” your soul because it really doesn’t speak to you through your thoughts, but through your feelings. Whatever your feelings may be, be they good or disturbing, you need to feel them in order to hear your soul and your soul’s needs.
We need to fulfil our soul’s needs. That’s what this full moon is about. We need to fulfil our soul’s needs in order to be able to give our light and love to others. We need to serve our soul before we can serve the world. We need to save ourselves before we can save the world.
And because the full moon gives birth to what has been created in the new moon, well, we can then become that better human being we have idealised, if that is our true will. There is so much we can reform, fix and improve with Saturn, Venus and Mars in Aquarius. It is so important that we do so, because we are now building the structures of our future. And it is important not only for ourselves but for others, especially those that may come after us, like our children, because we understand with Aquarius that we are all connected at some level.
Our actions always have repercussions and with this energy, these repercussions will be broad and long lasting. With Venus and Mars in tension with Uranus, we should be aware of any rebellious or extremist tendencies that could be harmful after all. Now, Venus and Uranus are transiting each other’s signs, so we have the opportunity to be aware of the changes that we have to do (Uranus) and how to do it with love (Venus).
Last Quarter Moon at 4°33’ of Capricorn (Sun in Aries since March 20th)
The waning phase is a time of reflection and recovery. Just as the new cycle is emerging (Sun in Aries), we are watching the old one dissolve (planets in Pisces). We are gathering what we have learned from the big challenges of recent times. We may also come to realise that not all went well or maybe we feel some guilt. But now is not the time to insist or cling to the past. We should just let it go, forgive ourselves and others and move on, accepting what is.
We are accessing the accumulated knowledge which we can use in this new reality that is emerging. We can make the choice that is future oriented and innovative if we want to. But it is important that will (Mars) unites with and relates to (Venus) responsibility (Saturn). This union between power and responsibility/wisdom must be worked out through love, diplomacy and peace, fair contracts, alliances and partnerships. There is a need for diplomacy in order for us to develop the basis of healthy relationships. We also need diplomacy in order to build the basis of the New Earth, to even have what is needed to prosper in times of huge planetary changes.
Now, with Mercury in Pisces united with Neptune, there can be sorrow. We can feel deluded, alienated or maybe we are excessively imaginative, not seeing reality. We can be in escapist mode, trying to avoid dealing with something, or victim mode, feeling ostracised and wronged. Information given and received may not be clear, be purposefully misleading or manipulative.
We should do our best to ground ourselves in what it is that we are wanting to strengthen in ourselves and in our lives (North Node in Taurus). Use your dream capacity to transform your darker thoughts and feelings! This is your true power and this is how you can use it with wisdom. Imagine how it feels like to be living your soul`s dream and you will soon be aligned with it.