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Foto do escritorCarol Taglia

Libra New Moon

Libra New Moon - Oct 6th 2021 (Libra Lunar Cycle)

A new moon represents beginnings and creative energy, but it is fed by the energies of the last cycle. For this new moon in Libra, we are being fed by the energies that culminated in the last Pisces full moon, on September 20th. That was a time of letting go. We were given the opportunity to end long cycles in our lives and we may have felt quite emotional about it. The full moon was also aligned with Neptune (one of Pisces rulers) and therefore we had a spiritual experience. We may have suddenly realized something that we were not aware of. Seeing patterns as they are, even if only for an instant, have given us an opportunity to dissolve them, to forgive ourselves and others and to prepare for something new. And the new beginning is arriving with this new moon.

Astrology is the language we read when we analyse a chart. Although each planet, sign, aspect and house have their specific symbolism, we need to join them so we can arrive at a synthesised symbol and a coherent message. The more we know about each symbol, the more we can understand the language of Astrology.

New Moon: Sun and Moon united (conjunct) at 13°24’ of Libra

Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury retrograde united (conjunct) in Libra

We need to rest. We want to take a break to recover and digest everything. There has been too much going on and we are definitely needing some time to process recent events. Before moving on, we want to make sure that all debts have been paid, all negotiations concluded, all issues addressed. Before taking action, we want to make sure that we are ready for it. We really need to be at peace with ourselves and others now.

This is a time to adjust the scales, adjust the vehicle before travelling, preparing everything that we may need in our next steps. It is not a time to rush anything, just check if all is functioning well. If we realize there are things we still need to adjust, we should do it the best possible way. Let’s use the time that we have! If there are pendencies, let’s be gentle and diplomatic to solve it now.

Sun, Moon and Mars in tension (opposite) with Chiron in Aries

Sun, Moon and Mars at ease (trine) with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Sun, Moon and Mars disconnected (inconjunct) with Uranus retrograde in Taurus

Don’t be harsh on yourself and others, because the issues you have to deal with may be hurtful anyway. We really can do our best to start making peace now. This may be a time of separations, but it doesn’t have to be the worst way.

This cycle is about saving energy and preparing to take action on your plans. We are making some new contracts, starting new relationships and agreements that will impact us in the long term. It is important to decide to make some big changes now, structural reformations, revolutionary movements in our lives. But we have to be very cautious, diligent, patient and responsible. It is not the time to take too many risks. Remember it is a time of stillness, of saving energy.

It is an opportunity for healing many wounds and trauma at last, and to be at peace with yourself and others, so we can all move on when the time comes. It can be sudden, so we really should be prepared.

Mercury retrograde in Libra at ease (trine) with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius

Mercury in tension with (square) Pluto (right now direct!) in Capricorn

Mercury disconnected (inconjunct) with Neptune retrograde in Pisces

We may have to reconsider contracts and agreements, re-evaluating relationships and partnerships, rediscussing alliances and decisions. We should take all factors into consideration and weigh all sides of a situation. We need also to consider bigger perspectives, include other people and think of the well-being of the whole.

Let’s exercise our minds to have a broader vision of our lives. Look and see how we are all connected. We shouldn’t demonize certain people or situations, because there is always something of value we are learning through them. We should absorb the best of everything we live, even in the most difficult moments. So, how much have you grown up spiritually? How wiser are you now? What are you learning from your relationships?

And then again, we can feel pressured to accept external control and to do what others want us to do. Or we may be pressuring others to do what we want. The issue here is that we can feel confident to argue and stand up for what is really fair and we should do it! We are not giving up on deeply regenerating a worn-out situation. We know that peace can only come through justice and freedom, but we have to remember what are, or what have been, our true responsibilities to others, so we don’t make mistakes.

Venus (ruler of the New Moon in Libra) in Scorpio in tension with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius

Venus soon to be at ease (sextile) with Pluto in Capricorn

There are important life lessons here concerning our relationships with one another in the construction of a whole - a group, a community, a collective unity. Our circles are being dismantled, because individual essential values are not in alignment anymore and this is becoming increasingly evident! The problem is that we may not be willing to accept differences and we may not be in the mood for cooperation.

We are learning to dispose of everything that is not essential, both materially and spiritually. There are adorns that need to be taken off. Certain relationships must be completely transformed and some need to end. Naked truth must be exposed so change and progress can happen. We need to go to the core of matters, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel. Losses are a part of the process of opening space for new things.

First Quarter in Capricorn

Sun closer to Mars

Venus has entered Sagittarius, at ease (sextile) with Saturn (now direct!) in Aquarius

Very important issues can be highlighted now. All that has been hidden is showing up and we will have to deal with it in a pragmatic manner. We should hold our positions and keep honouring justice and peace. We have a chance to be really understood by others now and understand them as well, so we can relate in a truthful manner. Now things can be discussed under bright light and real progress can be made.

Aspects during the first half of the cycle

Pluto direct (Oct/6)

Venus enters Sagittarius (Oct/7)

Sun conjunct Mars (Oct/8)

Sun conjunct Mercury (Oct/9)

Mercury conjunct Mars (Oct/9)

Saturn direct (Oct/11)

Venus sextile Saturn (Oct/13)

Sun trine Jupiter (Oct/15)

Venus opposite Lilith and trine Chiron (Oct/16)

Mercury sextile Venus (Oct/17)

Lilith sextile Chiron (Oct/17)

Sun square Pluto (Oct/17)

Mars trine Jupiter (Oct/19)

Jupiter direct (Oct/18)

Mercury trine Lilith twice (Oct/18/20)

Full Moon: Moon in Aries at 27°25’ in tension (opposition) with the Sun in Libra

Sun and Mars in tension (square) with Pluto in Capricorn

Moon in tension (square) with Pluto in Capricorn

Sun and Mars at ease (trine) with Jupiter (now direct!) in Aquarius

Moon at ease (sextile) with Jupiter

There is a huge blast of energy in this full moon! It really is the end of something in our lives, the deadline, the great leap, individually and collectively. There is a deep transformation going on that will change things forever. This may be a very intense experience depending on the position of planets in your natal chart.* We are from now on released to live something new and we should.

Although we may have gone through a lot and feel exhausted, maybe wounded, there is hope and progress ahead. Our vehicle is being pressured to start moving. Now we can officialize important decisions we have made. The blast of energy has pushed us forward and there is no returning.

Wealso know for sure now, where we have failed. We see that expectations have been too high, on ourselves and others. There must be a transformation in those relationships so they stop draining our energy and vitality. Now is the time to put an end to it if we feel we have to. Or maybe we just need to step away a little. But it won’t be the same, for sure.

Another theme of this full moon is that deep motivations can come up. No matter how disturbed we feel in a situation, this is a powerful time for pacifying our enemies, through diplomatic conversation and optimistic energy. Abuse of power and ignorance can be stopped, justice and wisdom can increase and new possibilities are born.

Mercury (now direct!) in Libra in tension with Chiron in Aries

Mercury at ease with Saturn in Aquarius and Venus in Sagittarius

We are also ready to fully accept our responsibilities and the consequences of our actions, even if it feels damaging to ourselves a little. We have been learning a lot from certain relationships and this has actually provided us with the chance to heal trauma. It is the time now to make consistent decisions in diplomatic ways. Contracts, alliances and negotiations can now be consistently fair and honest, leading to progress for all involved.

Everything we have learned from this cycle has changed us permanently. We are ready to take the next step now. Breathe this full moon in and be ready for change!

Last Quarter in Leo

Sun has entered Scorpio, in tension (square) with Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury at ease with Jupiter in Aquarius

When the Moon approaches the Sun, in the waning phase, we may be feeling a little awkward. We need to clean and put some band-aids on our wounds, which can feel uncomfortable. Still, it is important to avoid inflammation. Now is the time to go inside ourselves to deal with these remaining scars. It is time to work out our inner strength to recover.

We have on our side the people who can support us in moving forward. They can help us feel hopeful and open, restoring much of our creativity and joy that we may have lost along the way.

Aspects during the second half of the cycle

Mars square Pluto (Oct/22)

Sun enters Scorpio (Oct/23)

Venus square Neptune (Oct/27)

Venus sextile Jupiter (Oct/28)

Sun square Saturn (Oct/30)

Mercury trine Jupiter (Nov/1)

Mercury square Pluto (Nov/2)

*These energies will affect your life in accordance to the position of planets in your own natal chart. You can contact me for more specifics ;-)

I hope you have enjoyed this post and I wish you a powerful lunar cycle 🙌

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