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Foto do escritorCarol Taglia

Feeling loved and supported by the universe - Libra Lunar Cycle 2022

Atualizado: 21 de nov. de 2022

When the Sun enters Libra, we have the equinox, a time of the year when we have as much daylight hours as we have night hours. This is a time of finding balance and taking some rest, enjoying what we have accomplished until here, what we have earned and received until here. We should put aside our battles for a while and delegate to others what may be overwhelming to us right now.

So, during this lunar cycle of Libra, we are still talking about relationships, as in the last cycle, of Virgo. But now there is the potential for something new to emerge, as we progress in self-knowledge and self-improvement. We have the potential to see now that every wound in our relationships is related to a wounded part of ourselves, a trauma. And healing trauma heals our relationships.

In Libra, we are starting to accept the other as a complementary part of our soul. We are starting to accept the duality of our existence as humans. Mars is in Gemini for a long period, so we have enough time to learn from this duality and combine the polarities. Mars entered Gemini on August 20 and will remain in this sign until March 25th, 2023. That is a really long transit for Mars which is due to its retrograde period from October 30th until January 12th.

We should be able to understand that putting ourselves in any extreme right now doesn’t serve us at all. Instead, we should try to be less attached to our perspectives, less emotionally involved in them. Mars in Gemini is providing us with the potential to learn from our counterparts, learn from conflicts with them and even learn from trauma.

If we are emotionally detached, conflict and opposition will not trigger us. Instead, we will learn to value and validate who we are and also, learn to value and validate the other person’s experience, even if we don’t agree with them. This is so much easier said than done!

September 25th: New Moon in Libra

Moon and Sun conjunct at 3° of Libra

Because we are improving as souls, our relationships are also improving, to be more spiritually mature. In Libra, we are given the opportunity to grasp the meaning of the balance between masculine and feminine, the balance between spirit and body, energy and matter, thought and feeling. This is a time to understand the importance of polarities, and the importance of relationships.

The Sun and the Moon are equally important, as symbols, for our human experience, living on this planet. The Sun is the central star of our system, but the role of the Moon as a satellite is as important as the role of the Sun. From our human perspective, both the Sun and the Moon have similar size and importance, sharing the fairly equally distributed light of day and dark of night, being it actually a distribution and manifestation of the light. The Moon holds a receptive energy that tends to be seen as less important by our logical minds, but which actually has no logic at all. Without the Moon, life on the Earth would be impossible, as much as it would without the Sun.

The same can be applied to relationships. And I am not talking about romantic relationships only. All meaningful relationships in our lives can teach us something about ourselves, and can teach us something about love and trust.

To actively work with the energy of this new moon, find the 3° of Libra in your chart and see the house it’s in. This is the area of your life where you are given an opportunity now to create harmony, balance and justice, making opposites cooperate with one another somehow.

Moon and Sun in Libra opposite Jupiter retrograde in Aries

This cycle is a completion that is offering a new beginning, particularly in the area of your life indicated by the house where this new moon is occurring in your chart. We may start to see the response to our expanded sense of self now, and the results coming from it. We are strongly playing out our beliefs about ourselves during this time, but these beliefs have been maturing.

New relationships can arise from the expansion of our sense of self. Or existing relationships will have a new undertone. There is the potential for increasing harmony and justice in the issues in our lives which involve other people with different interests than ours, different beliefs and perspectives. And we can learn so much from these people and relationships right now!

Venus in Virgo

Mercury retrograde in Virgo conjunct Venus

Mercury and Venus trine Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury and Venus opposite Neptune in Pisces

Venus is the ruler of Libra and therefore, ruler of this new moon. Venus is in Virgo during this phase, but will soon enter Libra. Venus in Virgo asks us to be so diligent and careful, doing the best we can, because we understand how important it is that we play our role correctly, that is, in harmony with the universe.

Mercury is conjunct Venus in Virgo, which is helping us in improving our communication and sense of personal value in relationships. In a harmonious aspect to Pluto, this adds transformational power to regenerate and deeply change, forever. The lessons we learn during this cycle should be always remembered.

Whatever we speak and communicate intentionally, based on our sense of personal value will have a deep transformational impact on other people. This energy can help us in putting an end to a relationship or situation, or finally solving a problem, or finding out things that have been hidden.

In whichever relationships we are involved in, if there has been illusion, lies, misunderstandings and deception, now is the time to put all the cards on the table.

Mars in Gemini trine Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Our personal actions are also responding to our expanded sense of self, and so we are being called to be adaptable and flexible, especially in the area of life indicated by the house where Mars in Gemini (ruler of Aries) is now transiting in our charts.

The adaptability and flexibility of Mars in Gemini is helping us in getting more mature and responsible, being able to operate the necessary big changes with Saturn in Aquarius. This is helping us gain more experience, so we can learn more and improve our skills.

The big changes I am talking about are related to the square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, which is a long stressful transit that has been going on since the beginning of 2021 and is coming to terms by the end of the year. This is about the innovation and reformation in the structures of our lives which have become outdated, patterns of behavior and mindset which have become obsolete. This is also about the big changes in the planet’s climate and in the world economy.

October 3rd: First Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Moon at 10° of Capricorn square Sun at 10° of Libra

During this phase, we are building trust and commitment to others, especially in the area of our lives indicated by the house where this first quarter moon is transiting in our charts, that is, the house which contains the 10° of Capricorn. We can understand the responsibilities we have to other people, and we need to make an effort to meet these responsibilities now. This is a time to show up for those people who need you and also to be aware of who you can count on.

During times of change and chaos, it is so important that we make alliances and help each other. This is how we can find emotional nourishment even in the hardest times.

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and therefore of this first quarter moon. Saturn is in Aquarius, requiring that we be more aware of ourselves as a group, as a collective, respecting each other’s differences while sharing the same human soul. This greater collective experience depends on how we experience our individual, one-to-one, relationships. It depends on how we treat each other on a daily basis.

Venus in Libra

So, now Venus is in Libra, Venus’ own sign. This helps us in being more gentle in supporting each other, helping each other to find relief from suffering and difficulty. This helps us to be more relaxed and peaceful in our relationships and alliances, be it personal, professional or other types of relationships and alliances.

Justice, balance and fairness will finally be achieved, if we are able to meet our responsibilities and do what we have set our minds to do. This phase offers us a chance to have that serene and peaceful feeling after completing our duties.

Mercury direct in Virgo opposite Neptune

This aspect is challenging us to stick to our commitments. We may be distracted and tempted to avoid responsibility, procrastinating and even self-sabotaging our plans. There can be an excessive imagination, to the point of losing track of reality. So, we definitely need to be careful with escapist behaviors now.

We should try to deal with this by honoring our need to let go a little bit, taking some time to rest our minds and just daydream. This can even help us in recovering our energy and having some important insights. But we need to make things as clear as possible during this time. Read and read again, check all details, make the necessary confirmations so you don’t miss anything that could end up misleading your plans.

October 9th: Full Moon in Aries

Moon at 17° of Aries opposite Sun at 17° of Libra

During this full moon in Aries, we are facing the wounds in ourselves that we are supposed to heal by ourselves, especially in the area of our lives indicated by the house where this full moon is transiting in our charts, that is, the house which contains the 17° of Aries. We can now understand certain issues around our relationships and how they trigger emotional reactions in us, how we respond automatically to certain situations. This can even play out so strongly during this full moon that we just can’t be blind to it anymore!

Balance between opposites is what makes each part develop and mature. Alliances and partnerships are what make each individual grow and strengthen each one’s true will. But we need to understand that finding balance is not easy and involves conflict, because in conflict we can see our differences and reaffirm ourselves. We need to understand that a true partnership is going to trigger us somehow, generating imbalance before balance can be achieved. And balance should be achieved inside before it can be achieved in relationships.

Now, enmity is also a manner to achieve balance inside. Sometimes we are not totally aware of ourselves, our real intentions, feelings and needs. So, we can meet people who may defy us, oppress us or even cause real harm to us. Maybe it is just our perception of them. The thing is that what they trigger in us will say a lot about what we need to balance inside of ourselves. It can make us aware of who we are, what we value and maybe what we want to fight for.

Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries

Moon square Lilith in Cancer

Wounding and trauma are generally the root cause of important enmities, the ones who follow the logic I just mentioned. The desire to overcome it is not really the desire for victory, but for healing. Healing ourselves. This full moon is illuminating our wounds so we can take them back to take care of them ourselves, healing our anger and our need to fight back.

Lilith in Cancer challenges us by generating some sort of obsession for the past, for our childish fears and needs. This can make it more difficult to heal the wounding we continue to blame others for, and thus, continue to give them power over our healing. We need to empower ourselves to heal ourselves.

This full moon offers the opportunity for us to become heroes of our own story. Aries is about new beginnings, and we can start over as many times as we want, and it is normal to have scars from the past. They show how strong you have become.

Mars (ruler of Aries) square Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Neptune is challenging us by diminishing our assertiveness and will power, causing us to feel confused about what we want and what to do. This can be a time of feeling drained and tired, without really knowing why. We may be too open to the unconscious, too imaginative, and it can be hard to cope with real life.

The tension between Mars and Neptune can make us feel powerless and feel forced to let go of something we want. Actually, because Neptune represents subtle yet powerful forces of the unconscious, this is about embracing your spiritual warrior with all your heart. What we may have to deal with so we can heal ourselves, are deeply rooted emotions and memories from the soul, that we need to let go of and be complete with.

Sun conjunct Venus in Libra (stronger on the next phase)

This is giving us clarity around the people who truly love us, truly support us moving forward and who make real partners and allies. They will be there to join us after we have faced and overcome our wounds. We will then be able to be more fully present in the relationship, partnership, alliance or any sort of important union in our lives.

October 17th: Last Quarter Moon in Cancer

Moon at 25° of Cancer square Sun at 25° of Libra

This is a time to incorporate balance and harmony, justice and cooperation between complementary parts in your life. Find peace with others and you will find peace inside. This waning moon is giving us more clarity around our relationships, how we are feeling nurtured (or not) and protected (or not). It is teaching us how we can feel nurtured and protected, if we are not feeling that way. And learning this lesson will have a positive influence in the area of your life indicated by the house where this last quarter moon is transiting in your chart, that is, the 25° of Cancer.

Hopefully we will feel loved and supported! This feels like the energy of loving parents, relatives or ancestors, an energy of love coming from our origins, our roots, our home, that really wants us to grow and reach the skies. They want us to be better than they were. They want us to feel loved and supported.

It is hugely important that we feel loved and supported ultimately by the universe and life itself, and feel grateful for the people we meet in this lifetime. When we feel that way, we can relate to others on the soul level, where there is no contradiction between us, there is only soul growth. We can merge into one another and expand together.

Sun conjunct Venus in Libra

T-square to Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn

The participation of the Sun and Venus in the T-square to the Moon opposite Pluto, is a beneficial one, helping us in becoming more aware of subconscious and compulsive urges. We have an opportunity to detach from them, and become more balanced and refined in our relationships. If we have been too demanding or controlling, now is the time to give others more space.

If there has been lying, now is the time to speak the truth and be fair. If there has been deception, now is the time to reevaluate our expectations of others.

Sun and Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini

An artist usually needs to trim the corners of its art, buff the raw material to make it more beautiful. We should do the same with our thoughts. If we don’t, they will go in whatever direction they are drawn to and simply dissipate, scattering our mental power.

Mars in Gemini is helping us to focus and concentrate our minds in this waning moon. We need to use our mental power, stress our intelligence and give it a purposeful direction. This is helping us in making decisions that are logical and coherent, based on what we can understand out of a situation or relationship.

When we can give a direction to our minds, feeding thoughts that are constructive and intelligent, we can communicate in a manner that others understand. Even difficult topics can be handled well when we know what to say and how to say it.

Mercury (back) in Libra

After the retrograde period and now back in Libra, Mercury is providing us with the opportunity to express harmony in our lives. What was not correct, can now be corrected. What was unfair, can now be made fair. What was too difficult to solve and heal, can now be solved and healed, in ourselves and in our relationships.

So, gathering everything we have learned from Libra Lunar Cycle of 2022, we should now be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of relationships and polarities in helping us to solve conflicts, heal trauma and learn from it all.

  2. Be encouraged to meet our responsibilities to others and build trust, being at peace with others and ourselves.

  3. Grow and expand, and empower through relationships, reaffirming our true will and feeling loved and supported by the universe.

Thank you so much for reading! You can also watch the video for this post on my channel (don't forget to subscribe!). I wish you a peaceful lunar cycle! See ya 🙇‍

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