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Foto do escritorCarol Taglia

Feel worthy of what you want - Libra Full Moon April 6 2023

Atualizado: 30 de mar. de 2023

April 6th 2023: Libra Full Moon

Hello, beautiful soul! You will see, this week, what your cosmic grade is. There’s no way you’re not going to see your value. It will be reflected back to you, in the results of your actions.

Moon in Libra opposite the Sun and Jupiter in Aries

Sun conjunct Jupiter in Aries

This is a time to stabilize, to find balance and rest a little bit. You will receive the results from the work you have done, the outcomes of the purposeful actions you have taken.

During this full moon, the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Aries and that can make you overextend your desires, especially if you’re not aware of your true spiritual will. You see, when we’re not aware of our true spiritual will, we can’t have control over our desires. If we don’t know how to purposefully direct our instinctive drives, they will control us and most probably take us nowhere!

Now, if you are aware of your spiritual will, well, then this energy will make you feel really good about yourself. So, enjoy it!

Venus, ruler of Libra

Venus in the last degrees of Taurus (also ruled by Venus)

Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Venus is now helping us master the energy of self-love and self-value. We’ve got to feel deserving and worthy of what we want, what we love and expect out of life. If we intimately don’t feel deserving of this, then we’ve got to transform ourselves because certainly there is something in us that prevents us from loving ourselves, something that we don’t feel proud of. And it is preventing us from receiving what we want from the universe.

There may be something you need to acknowledge about your ugly parts so you can really strengthen yourself by transforming what you don’t love about yourself. Venus in sextile to Neptune is helping you to dissipate illusions you might have about yourself, to see your true spiritual value and what you may need to let go of in order to become more valuable as a soul.

You see? You’ve got to love and value all that you are, all that you have been able to become and all that you can still be. To do that, you really have to be someone you would love, someone you would admire and be proud of. That’s what will really make you feel self-confident, worthy of what you love and want. You have to do your best, you’ve got to try to be your best version. Because, then, even if you don’t get what you want, you will be closer to it, and will feel proud of yourself that you are doing the best you can with what life is offering to you now.

Mercury conjunct the North Node in Taurus

Mercury in Taurus exactly sextile Saturn in Pisces

Mercury sextile Mars in Cancer

You’re about to open some doors with this Mercury conjunct the North Node in Taurus. This is helping you understand your self-value, the truth about what you feel you are really deserving of right now, the truth about what you may need to transform in yourself so you become worthy of what you really want.

There’s no room for self-righteousness and arrogance here. And that’s when it can clash with the energy of the Sun conjunct Jupiter in Aries. Instead of letting your ego grow bigger and bigger, defending yourself and attacking others, be a little more grounded and humbler, for real. Receive critics as something positive to your growth. Receive bad results as positive for you to learn what you need to change.

Mars in Cancer in exact harmonic aspects with the Nodes

Grand Water Trine still active

This helps to soften possible egotism and self-righteousness arising during this full moon. Mars in Cancer is helping us now, because it is involved in harmonic aspects. These aspects make things easier. Not to say that there are no bad sides to Mars in Cancer, but they are not showing up now, because Mars in Cancer is not involved in stressful aspects to other planets right now.

Hopefully we will just be able to drop some water on all the fire so it doesn’t burn us. Saturn in Pisces is helping us to be emotionally detached, emotionally wiser. This is not a time to be caught up in lies and self-delusions, definitely not a time to pretend that you’re something that you’re not. Above all, this is not a time to be childish if you have already had enough time to mature.

With that Grand Trine still active, you can be sure that things are changing underneath the surface. The transformations happening below the surface of the Earth, and below our consciousness, will soon come to light, as Pluto transits through Aquarius. And we are supposed to tune into these deep transformations, tune into our essential beings so we have a powerful anchor to keep us safe and secure.

You know, it is safe to transform. You shouldn’t be possessed by fear of transformation. You’ve got to transform if you want to uncover your soul’s power. You’ve got to regenerate if you want to be reborn.

Blessed Be. 🙏

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