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Foto do escritorCarol Taglia

A calling from your higher self (Leo Lunar Cycle 2022)

Atualizado: 15 de jul. de 2022

This cycle is about an important reprogramming and reconfiguration taking place, which is more attuned to our souls. The universe is offering us the ability to be intuitive and insightful about how to apply our gifts and qualities, so we can change our lives for the better. Leo is about being creative and spontaneous, having the courage to be your true self and live from that heart center. It is about genuine joy and self-realization.

So, during the Leo Lunar Cycle, we have a chance to conquer our place in the sun. Now, in this cycle of 2022, we are being guided by superior faculties in our minds, connected to our higher selves, and it requires an innovative solution or an unexpected resolution. It asks us to be creative and authentic, and creativity and authenticity are always found within.

There has been a pressure for change, deep change, since the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, by the end of 2019. And it has been generating anxiety, pushing us to adapt. Some may find it easy or exciting to change, but many will struggle with that. And all of us have at least one very rigid pattern that is difficult to change, anyway.

So in this Leo Lunar Cycle, we will see the conjunction of Mars and Uranus, with the North Node. I will make a special video about this conjunction, but to introduce you to this, I should say that it will result in the resolution of something in our lives, bringing up destabilization, whether we like it or not. Although it may be hard and challenging, disruptions force us to change and develop new strategies. It is a calling from our higher selves, that calls for our life force, our soul gifts and creativity.

The change process is indicated by Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. So, the house where you have Taurus in your chart, around 19 degrees, that’s where you will experience destabilization, disruption and upheavals. Now, the house where you have Aquarius in your chart, around 20 degrees, that’s where you will need to adapt and grow. Finally, the house you have Leo, and if you have natal planets in Leo, is where you can access your true self. You can contact me for a reading, if you are not familiar with your astrological chart and would like to know more.

So, what is Leo about? In Astrology, there is a time for everything. Leo is the 5th “hour” of the zodiac “clock”. After the self-nurturing and self-protective energies of Cancer, and before the hard work and diligence of Virgo, we have Leo. Before explaining the particulars of this cycle, I want to share some keywords for Leo so you can have an idea of what this sign is about.

  • Self-discovery

  • Self-consciousness

  • Creativity

  • Vitality and life force

  • Innate talents

  • Gifts

  • Joy

  • Generosity

  • Having an open heart

  • Being spontaneous

  • Being charismatic

  • Recognizing your gifts

  • Showing your talents

  • Becoming the center of your own life

  • Being who you want to be

  • Knowing that you are unique

  • Having the energy to concretize your purposes

  • Self-grandeur

  • Vanity

  • Not letting others express themselves

  • Being a tyrant

  • Being spoiled

  • Making fun of everything

  • Playing mind games

July 28th: New Moon in Leo

Sun and Moon conjunct at 5°38’ of Leo

Leo is the sign ruled by the Sun, our inner light, our creativity and source of vitality. This cycle is about the development of self-expression and self-discovery, a time to discover our gifts and innate qualities. Leo is about pure joy, which we experience when we are doing what we love, when we are just being ourselves and it is enough. That’s when we can really distress and relax, generating energy inside of us, which fuels our willingness to live and to love.

But doing what we want to do in life actually requires audacity and the courage to stand up for ourselves. But as soon as we start shining our own light, others will feel attracted to it because it comes from the heart, it is genuine, it is lovable.

Mercury in Leo (ruled by the Sun)

T-Square: Mercury square Nodes, Uranus and Mars

Mercury opposite Saturn

Mercury is the agent of communication, it is our mind and our throat, how we speak and how we listen. Mercury is responsible for delivering the message of our heart, of our soul, and it is also responsible for receiving the message of others to us. Now Leo, again, is about the joy of being just who you are, generously expressing your talents and being willing to live and love. It is the sign associated with youth, a time when we discover ourselves and blossom like flowers.

So, Mercury in Leo is about being able to communicate with charisma, speaking from the heart, and expressing in a lighthearted manner. Which is excellent right now, because Mercury is involved in a great tension (the T-square), which suggests there can be some difficult or problematic information being given or received.

Something that needs to be said may be extremely hard to say, because it will face strong opposition. Mercury in Leo is courageously delivering a delicate message. We may have delicate discussions with others, especially with people who represent some sort of authority in our lives (represented by Saturn). They will have to deal with the changes we are wanting to make, which they may be unwilling to accept.

This can also play out as self-sabotage or authoritarianism (also represented by Saturn). You may be too hard on yourself and others, making it more difficult for the changes and liberations to occur. The thing is that, after all, Saturn is in Aquarius. Let me explain:

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Aquarius is the sign that comes after Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn exclusively. Now, Saturn represents authority, paradigms, and what has lasted for a long time because it was able to endure. In Capricorn, all traits responsible for this endurance can be seen, like a strong ambition and determination. But in Aquarius, something suddenly changes. And that change comes from Uranus, an agent of innovation and revolution. So, it turns out that Saturn in Aquarius forces us to change and adapt. The long-lasting ideas, behaviors and patterns are forced to change because they have reached a peak. And, in Aquarius, they are actually ready for that change and reprogramming.

This process happens both on a collective and individual level. But it is not an easy process, I should say. On an individual level, our own old patterns of behavior, or relationships, which have become obsolete and rigid, are not easy to change. The old structures will resist the fall as long as they can. It is our work now to be focused on adapting and making the changes until they become settled. It is our work to change the way we do things, until we finally transcend the old rigid patterns, which were not working so well anymore, anyway.

On a collective level, this means that the old kings will resist defeat as long as they can. But there will be a point (and it is not far) where control must be given away to some sort of new order that is emerging from the core of that old paradigm. And because it is born from the core of the old paradigm, it is legitimate. It represents the needs of the new generations.

Sun and Moon trine Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter is an agent of the expansion of consciousness. It brings about greater understanding, a deeper kind of knowledge that we call wisdom. In Aries, this wisdom is about our own will. We have the opportunity to use what we have learned about ourselves lately, through the cycles we may have ended recently and that presented us with a new reality. Jupiter in Aries is providing us with new opportunities that can actually turn out to be the best for us to do what we want to do in life. We just need to embrace it with an open heart, and trust ourselves.

North Node conjunct Uranus and Mars

We can definitely move ahead with this triple conjunction. The North Node points to unavoidable developments - which we can call “fate” - and it is receiving a conjunction from both Mars, the agent of self-assertion, and Uranus, the agent of innovation and revolution. And they are all in Taurus, a sign that represents our source of abundance and material fulfillment. The universe is offering to us everything we need to live and prosper, but it asks us to be insightful, innovative and action-oriented. It asks us to detach from the past and be willing to let go of what no longer supports our soul growth.

Venus conjunct Lilith in Cancer (ruled by the Moon)

Somewhere deep inside of us, we know we need to strengthen up. We know we are supposed to live a more fulfilling life but what this means can be out of reach for so many people. There can be a strong need to remain comfortable in your well-known comfort zone, even if it doesn’t feel good at all. There could also be a need for being taken care of, or being the one who is taking care of others (an experience represented by Cancer), but the thing is that this time is about being ready to accept your own duties and understand that others have their own duties too.

This aspect may feel like a strong urge to be self-protective. But the cycle asks for courage and audacity to face the changes and to even lead your own change process. The Moon in Leo helps us to just be ourselves, to stand for ourselves and for what we want, and the potentially harmonic aspect between Venus and the triple conjunction in her own sign (Taurus) helps us to take action and operate changes.

So, I truly believe that the universe is giving us the tools we need to win the emotional struggle we may face with our past and with people who expect us to act in a certain manner. The universe is actually providing us with potential to be heroes of our own story.

Aug 5th: First Quarter Moon in Scorpio

Moon conjunct the South Node

Moon trine Lilith

This phase is putting us in contact with what we are ready to let go of, which is represented by the South Node in Scorpio. This can be some sort of test where you are forced to open yourself, show your weaknesses and fears. Although it may feel uncomfortable, even extremely so, it is necessary in order for us to meet our own inner strength and willingness to overcome these weaknesses and fears. In other words, we need to be on our knees for a while so we can come back to the basics of our will to live, to meet its power. It is there for everyone to access it, but you have to see and recognize this strength inside of you.

Now, speaking about power, we have an harmonic aspect to Lilith in Cancer, which is also harmonically in aspect to the Nodes of the Moon. I have spoken of Lilith in my last video about the previous Cancer Lunar Cycle. Just to mention, Lilith is a strictly feminine power, which means it is a kind of power that rises from the feminine part of us, all of us, regardless of gender. And it is connected to sexuality and the ability to attract what you want, to seduce your aimed goal so it is drawn to you, instead of you chasing after it. The problem is that this female archetypal power has been widely misunderstood and even corrupted.

But, still, Lilith represents a natural power, neither good nor bad, but a natural power that can also be used for soul growth. And it has been at our disposal, especially since the previous lunar cycle, in Cancer. And it requires that we have it clear what is our heart’s true will.

So, what is it that you truly value and believe you deserve? Are your emotions in resonance with it? How are you feeling about yourself? Do you love and accept who you are? Do you honor what you need to feel at ease with yourself and others? This phase is asking us to be totally honest. Contemplate your heart, your needs, your vulnerabilities. Be ready to protect your heart, and guard your needs. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself, because at this time there may be some complicated and painful things to deal with. But remember, they are supposed to make you stronger.

This phase is about strengthening up, enduring, proving yourself and your will, not bending to other people or harsh conditions. In Scorpio, there can be manipulation, power struggles and open opposition over what you want for yourself. So, we need to remain centered and resist being pulled back by our past, by past behaviors and patterns we are trying to transform and regenerate. This phase is testing our capacity to stay in our power.

Mercury in Virgo without aspects

Mercury is the ruler of Virgo, so it means that our thoughts and communication can be very clear and practical now. We can organize our ideas and be very productive now, putting our minds to work. This is about speaking things clearly, understanding what is being said to you and using the information for something positive. So, it is a good thing that Mercury is in Virgo during this extremely emotional phase. It can help us ponder things and be logical, especially because it is without aspects, so there is no influence coming from other planets.

Mercury in Virgo helps us in using everything we learn and experience, so we can test it to see if it really works. It helps us in dealing with practical matters, on a daily basis. It helps us in working for our own self-development, taking care of all the ordinary and complementary duties around the process of self-development.

So, this Mercury is helping us in becoming more conscious of our emotional struggles. It is supporting our mental development and capacity to solve problems. We can see with greater clarity now what bonds us to the past, to self-limiting conditions or unhappy relationships. We can see now what enslaves us, preventing us from further soul growth. And by seeing it clearly, we then have a chance to understand it and change it.

Aug 12th: Full Moon in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Saturn

T-Square: Moon and Saturn opposite the Sun, square Uranus and the North Node

This full moon is about achievement and being set free from a long lasting battle or limiting condition. But this is no easy victory! And it asks us to see things from a broader perspective, understanding that our strife or hardship had much to teach us before we could transcend it. It was needed, and we should try to be grateful for the time we had to wait and be patient. This time has hopefully made us wise enough to deal with our own liberation process.

Freedom is not about doing whatever you want, whenever you want it. Freedom is actually the result of meeting our responsibilities. What is commonly called “burning karma” is not a magical thing. Being ruled by Saturn, the great law of time, structure and wisdom, there are no shortcuts for “burning karma”. We must work through the struggles and entanglements of our relationships and life circumstances until we really grasp their meaning and learn their lessons.

So, all the benefits from this Aquarius Full Moon will come to you, if you have met your responsibilities, if you have shown up, willing to solve problems, no matter how complicated. The nature of your prize will depend on how much effort you have put into solving these problems, and how much you have learned from the process.

Now, meeting your soul’s responsibilities is not about taking orders and being commanded by others. Even with the people who exert some sort of authority in our lives, we must be aware that our soul growth involves building authority of our own. We are supposed to become wise enough to reign our own lives, but, again, there are no shortcuts for this.

Venus in Leo (critical 1°)

Venus is now in Leo, and it can help us in relating to ourselves and others as integrated individuals. This is about your personal values being under your command only, it is about standing up for what is truly yours. So, all the changes and innovations are occurring in Taurus, the sign of Venus, which has Uranus and the North Node right now. Venus in Leo is helping us in taking the reins of these wild horses. But to do that, we need to know who we are and where we stand.

Change in values and resources may have made us feel unstable and unsure for a while, but now Venus can attract to us what is really vital for our souls, and what makes us truly happy. But this is certainly different from what we had previously thought, because after all the change around, we are not the same either. At least, we shouldn’t be the same. We are supposed to change!

Actually, we are discovering a new layer of ourselves, a deeper one. And we are supposed to know better who we really are and what we truly deserve because of who we are. Look in the mirror. Recognize where your gifts and creativity can help you achieve or solve something, and just love yourself for that potential you have inside. The universe wants you to know your light, your inner strength, and wants you to give it to the world with all your heart!

Mercury sextile Lilith

Mercury trine Uranus and North Node

Now, Mercury in Virgo is helping us in making the adjustments and preparing for the next steps. There can be a cleaning out, checking details and organizing schedules to deal with the changes and instabilities. In a potentially harmonic aspect to Lilith in Cancer, this can help us in communicating and understanding things in a deep and sharp manner, because we know what we need. Even if it is unexpected and shocking for some, we should speak it out and stand for it, because we know we should make a change this time. And the universe is on our side!

Mars sextile Neptune

Mars trine Pluto

Your personal battles can open an unimagined realm of possibilities in your life. Neptune is the ruler of transcendence, imagination and compassion. It restarts our hearts by making us let go of attachments. It sets up totally new beginnings in our lives, by washing away all that should go.

Now, Mars is the ruler of our personal will and self-assertion, which can be patient and diligent in Taurus. In a potentially harmonic aspect to Neptune, it means that we have the opportunity now to take action towards our idealistic visions, our dreams, letting go of the past to create a more fulfilling reality for ourselves. We can be more attuned now to what is really good for us, and we can have our hearts open to receive it. This can even turn out to be surprisingly effortless! Pluto is the ruler of power and hidden potentials, and it is in a harmonic aspect to Mars. This adds tremendous strength to our will.

Aug 19th: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus

Moon conjunct Mars in Taurus (Mars in critical 29°)

Moon trine Pluto (almost exact)

Moon trine Mercury

Mercury trine Pluto:

Grand Trine in earth signs, helping us in dealing with the tension of the T-Square

Gathering the knowledge of those who have come before you will prove to be of great value. We should be quite diligent and cautious through these times of change. During this phase, we are planning our actions carefully, gaining perspective and making adjustments, so we can have the best results.

The golden lessons we may receive from this cycle are lessons about the power of our emotions when they are aligned with our minds. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and powerfully supported by Pluto, the agent of deep transformation, and Mercury, our minds and communication. We are given support to deeply regenerate something inside of us, regenerating patterns that have long made us powerless to some extent.

We can regenerate the root causes of our limitations now, what was behind the outdated patterns and finally change it. When we transform in such a deep level, it feels radical and sudden. But actually this has been building up for some time now, because Uranus has been very active, pushing us to evolve and grow, even through radical or destabilizing situations. Now this energy is coming to a resolution.

Uranus and Saturn are rulers of Aquarius, and we have seen a potent Aquarius full moon conjunct Saturn and square Uranus in this cycle. We had an opportunity to break on through to the other side. But it is not an easy thing to do. We do need an extra dose of self-empowerment to go through this without losing ourselves in the way.

And the power comes from the fusion between the accumulated knowledge that was passed on to us and the wisdom we developed by ourselves out of that knowledge. So, even though we are making some changes and reformations, we should honor the value of the lessons we were given, the challenges and obstacles we needed to face in order to be more mature.

Mercury, which is involved in this Grand Trine, is also opposed by Neptune during this phase. Neptune can be offering so many possible visions of our future that it can feel confusing to organize our plans and next steps. This is another reason why we should gain more perspective, taking everything in consideration and being cautious, maybe moving a bit slower, so we can have more clarity around these plans and next steps.

So, gathering everything we have learned from Leo Lunar Cycle, we should now be able to:

  1. Be insightful and intuitive about the victories we want to achieve, knowing who we are and where we stand.

  2. Be charismatic and attractive because we can speak from our hearts, even when we may have to discuss with others.

  3. Recognize that our recent challenges have made us more mature to deal with the victories we want to achieve. We can now be more cautious, wise and resourceful to make the necessary changes.

Thank you so much for reading! You can also watch the video for this post on my channel (don't forget to subscribe!). I am Carol Taglia and I wish you an epic lunar cycle! See ya 🙇‍

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