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Be proud of yourself - Leo Full Moon February 5 2023

February 5th: Leo Full Moon

This is the culmination of the Aquarius lunar cycle, which started with the new moon in Aquarius on January 21st. Now, with the full moon, we see the Sun and the Moon 180 degrees apart from each other, making an opposition, a tense astrological aspect which prompts us to find balance.

This is a time to see the results of the intention we have set during the new moon. These results are often helping us in manifesting our intention, or they will point to things we need to balance so we can manifest an intention that’s in alignment with our souls. So, we should find the house in our own astrological chart which has the sign of Leo in its beginning. That’s the area of our life’s experience where we can shine and just be ourselves with pride! Or we may just need to put more heart in this area of our lives, so we can shine and be proud of ourselves.

This Leo full moon is helping us in knowing the full spectrum of our life’s potentials. We are supposed to see clearly what our gifts are (Leo) and how we can apply them in all areas of our life (Aquarius). This is a time to understand how we really hold the full spectrum of our life’s experiences in our soul and how we can come to fully realize this spectrum, if we ultimately choose to do it.

Moon at 16°40’ of Leo opposite the Sun at 16°40’ of Aquarius

This is a time for knowing who you really are, what your gifts are, your natural qualities, your creativity. We can only create something meaningful in this life if it comes from our souls, if it is a reflection of who we truly are as human beings, of what we can feel and embody in our consciousness.

Leo full moon is always a time for being who you truly are, despite everybody else’s opinion. And when we can tap into this creativity we all got, this authenticity we all got, that’s when we can add something to the world, add something unique and original, which will be recognized by other people as our own distinctness. And this is the powerful thing we all have to say.

And when I speak of creativity, I am not talking about artistic creativity only. Actually we can be creative in many forms and areas of expertise in this life. And it always comes with a generosity, a willingness to share your light, a vitalizing energy that comes from our soul when we feel bliss, when we feel like time has stopped, when we enjoy the moment because we feel we can be ourselves.

Leo is the sign related to our individual self, our self-consciousness and innate abilities, our creativity and self-realization. Aquarius relates to the group, to how others receive our energy and how we build a reality around us based on our energy field. During the period when we are still immature, Aquarius provides us with protection through our fears (Saturn’s rulership of Aquarius). Our fears protect us from repeating painful, traumatic, experiences, until we are ready to face them. When we grow mature enough to face our fears, then we can move beyond trauma (Uranus’ rulership of Aquarius).

And this Leo full moon T-square Uranus, is a pressure from the universe, for some of us, who are ready for this, to overcome our fears.

Sun and Moon T-square Uranus in Taurus

Uranus wants to make sure that we are indeed making different choices, innovations, reformations and not only doing something that looks innovative on the surface but which is actually a replication of an old pattern in a new form. We are supposed to reveal ourselves now, show what we got, what we are good at, but if we don’t open ourselves to change, that may not be possible and we may feel just weird and insecure.

Uranus in Taurus is calling for a change in our self-worth, in what we value, what we feel is good for us and what we feel deserving of. This may be a change in your diet, in your financial income or in the way you use your resources, but it is ultimately a change in your self-value. We have all been shaken by instability and global change in the last 2 years, and it is changing our values, both individually and as a collective.

Uranus in Taurus is a long transit that calls for change and innovation (Uranus) in the use of the material resources we have (Taurus), ultimately natural resources of the Earth which we explore, use and claim as our own property. This is a revolutionary transit that operates inside our consciousness and causes us to look for innovations and solutions for our problems as human beings living in communities.

There are many of us engaged in solving the problem of the Earth’s capacity to sustain humanity, we are trying to be more aligned with ecologic and sustainable systems, with an environmental intelligence that is needed from us at this point of our human development. And it begins with each person transcending his or her own outdated patterns of behavior which do not correspond to these evolutionary collective needs.

And that’s when our gifts and talents may not be applied for collective progress, if we are not willing to perceive ourselves as parts of a collective, be it a small group or humanity as a whole. We are one little part of a whole planet, one little part of a whole species, just like everybody else. And we are unique, but still, in our uniqueness, there is something that makes us all the same, all humans - and that’s our souls. And that perception of a group as a unity, of humanity as a unity, that’s what makes the human soul grow, a spiritual growth that impacts other souls and ultimately every living soul on this planet.

This can be a challenging full moon for many people. Because many of us are still longing for the old days, the old ways, when we have been called, even in extreme manners recently, to embrace a new reality. We really need to detach from the past, and there is actually no other way around this.

Sun and Moon in harmonic aspect with Mars in Gemini

So, Mars in Gemini has been writing some new stories in our lives. This is a time to communicate intentionally, to speak and articulate our ideas assertively. There has been a course correction in our minds, we have been shown by the universe that we actually need to do things in a different manner, and maybe we need to learn something new in order to do that change.

The harmonic aspects between the Sun and the Moon with Mars help us in being intentional with what we think, be intentional with your thoughts. That means we have support now to avoid mind tricks and negative thoughts, we can think of the best outcome, think of the best words to say, so we can articulate something that is important to us. We can be intentional with what we say to others, knowing exactly where we stand and what we want.

Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini

Venus in harmonic aspect with the Nodes

Now, it can be difficult to make choices. There can be confusion, we may have too many options, many possibilities, and not all are a match to our souls, not all are really good to us. We can be blind to see our own values and how they have shifted, or we may just be blind to see how certain people in our lives are really not in alignment with our souls.

But, because Venus is in harmonic aspects with the Nodes, we can somehow put an end to our illusions. We can be more intuitive now, and we can easily let go of what is no longer true for us. We can easily go with the flow and make the right choices for us, and this is just the right time to do it.

Thank you for reading! I would like to tell you about the ASTROLOGICAL JOURNAL I have released, to help you take note of your insights during each lunar cycle of the next astrological year. I want to help you analyze your own chart and the moon’s transits in it, so you can start to give yourself some powerful answers.

See ya 🙇‍

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