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Foto do escritorCarol Taglia

Time to give voice to your inner child (Gemini Lunar Cycle 2022)

The Gemini Lunar Cycle starts with the New Moon in Gemini, which occurs on May 30th 2022.

In this lunar cycle we are gaining more clarity around actions we can take to begin something new in our lives. Or maybe we are doing something in a new way and this relates to the Aries part of your own personal astrological chart, which is activated every year when the Sun transits Aries. But, while the Sun transits Aries every year, this year of 2022 we also see Jupiter in Aries and it is conjunct Mars, ruler of Aries, in this Gemini lunar cycle. Jupiter transits Aries every 12 years or so, which makes this year particularly important for new beginnings. Coupled with Mars, it may be full of action, assertiveness and passion.

Now, what we are gaining more clarity around also speaks to our ego. We have the potential to understand our ego patterns, how it was formed in our childhood, in our primary experiences, from what we have learned and absorbed from our parents or those who have raised us. We can now see more clearly where we stand and how we differ from them on some level, or many levels. This distinct part of us is what we have brought as a new characteristic inside our family and lineage. This distinct part is our spiritual self, our essence, our life potential. And it should be nurtured.

Maybe we haven’t been nurtured on this level by our family, although there may have been material security and love. But if we are still here, if we are still alive, we can still nurture ourselves on this level. We can still access the youngest part of us, understand its needs and give this inner child voice. Empowering this youngest and maybe wounded self is what this cycle is about.

May 30th: Gemini New Moon

Sun and Moon united (conjunct) at 9°03’ of Gemini

So, what is Gemini about? In Astrology, there is a time for everything. Gemini is the third “hour” of the zodiac “clock”. After the stabilizing and grounding energies of Taurus, and before the introspective and emotional energies of Cancer, we have Gemini. Before explaining the particulars of this Gemini cycle of 2022, I want to share some keywords for Gemini so you can have an idea of what this sign is about.

  • Curiosity and learning

  • Exchanging and experimenting

  • Education

  • Language

  • Information given and received

  • Siblings

  • Relatives and neighbors

  • Mind power

  • Intelligence

  • Adaptability

  • Audacity

  • Sales

  • Marketing and publicity

  • Transportation

  • Communication

  • Variety

  • Playfulness

  • Entertainment

  • Mind games

  • Superficiality

  • Lying and stealing

  • Frivolity

  • Uncompromising

  • Irony

Sun and Moon in Gemini in potentially harmonic aspect (sextile) to Mars and Jupiter in Aries

This cycle is showing us that we may be in need of some fresh air. Our thought patterns and behaviors may have proven to be outdated and unsatisfying. They don’t fulfill us emotionally. They don’t stimulate growth in any area of our lives. We may feel tired and worn out when we need to be full of energy, just in the beginning. This is showing us where we are definitely needing to let go of control, let go of expectations and just be open and present, enjoying the moment.

This is a time to become a little lighter, a little softer and playful with one another. This is a time to take it easy. Don’t take it all so seriously. Don't take it all so personally. Gemini is about being able to talk, to listen, to negotiate. With Mars and Jupiter in Aries, you can feel the urge and passion inside you, but with the Sun in Gemini, you have a chance to articulate it through dialogue and negotiation.

This can manifest through passionate speeches, forceful declarations or negotiations, pressure for contracts and alliances. As long as will power and assertiveness are used in communication and negotiation, this cycle can generate extremely positive outcomes. But there is a risk of aggressiveness and forcefulness overextending the dialogue, I should say.

Mercury ruler of Gemini

Mercury retrograde in Taurus

Mercury united with (conjunct) the North Node in Taurus

Mercury in tense aspect (square) to Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury in harmonic aspect (trine) to Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury in potentially harmonic aspect (sextile) to Neptune in Pisces

Mercury is powerfully aspected in its own sign lunar cycle of Gemini. Not only it is connected to all outer planets, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, but it is also united with the North Node. It means we are pushed to communicate or articulate something that is extremely important for our future. This may be an announcement we are supposed to make in order to change directions or to free ourselves from a situation. It should be something we have been preparing for, because we have been given time and space to think it through. Although it may not be totally new, it is totally revolutionary.

This is a time that opportunity is given to overcome resistance, overcome obstacles and barriers, so we can become heroes of our own story.

In this cycle, we are learning to manage our resources, applying ideas that may be revolutionary, so we can better use what we have and develop a new way to prosper. On a collective level, this can mean the management of natural resources, even human resources. There can be a forced orientation towards change which serves collective needs. There can be severity applied efficiently to adjust people’s lives to a new reality. There can be extremely disruptive energy, which brings about the destruction of huge structures and symbols of power. This can be a dramatic time for humanity, but it is how we are beginning to build a new basis for our lives, a new Earth.

Also on a personal level, Saturn in Aquarius is challenging us to understand what values and resources, what kind of wealth is in alignment with what the collective needs. Saturn requires that our ideas, our trades and exchanges with one another on a daily basis - that is commerce, education, community groups, communication - are efficient enough to fulfill collective needs. It requires that it works for the group, not only for individuals. These are values and wealth that should serve all, not one individual or groups that consider themselves to be of a superior or more valuable kind.

So, if we have been egotistical and too attached to our values, resources and money, if we have been abusive and damaging to others in our race for wealth and power, that’s when things can get problematic. Both on an individual and collective level, greed and abuse will have heavy consequences, even radical consequences and upheavals. Those that are on the top should be aware that fall is imminent if they have failed to meet their responsibilities to others.

On the other hand, because Neptune is involved, we have a chance to be intuitive. We can grasp some answers to our problems in the air, as if they were whispered to us. We should pay attention to signs we receive, dreams we have and sudden feelings or ideas which lift us up. Not all of these will be real, some may be delusive, but we can certainly be enhanced by some of these imaginative energies. What is truly valuable will prove to be simple and workable and we should stick to it.

Venus in Taurus (ruler), moving away from a tense aspect (square) to Pluto

Our own self-worth, values and resources may be simple and humble but they are full of potential to grow. We must value who we are and what we have been able to work on. We must value ourselves, love ourselves, because we have gone through a lot, maybe our ancestors have gone through a lot and we carry a memory of it. And we are still here, we are still alive and can become more valuable, more resourceful and abundant to overcome the difficulties of life.

June 7th: First Quarter Moon in Virgo

Mercury direct (since June 3rd)

Saturn retrograde (since June 4th)

Venus approaching Uranus, North Node and Mercury united in Taurus

Moon trine Uranus

Moon inconjunct Mars in Aries

This is a time of disposal and opening space for what’s coming. A time to perfect your revolutionary ideas, putting them to test, checking the details so the changes and maybe sudden upheavals don’t get you totally unprepared. This may be a fast moving energy which can be difficult to have control over, but to which we can certainly prepare ourselves by focusing on our inner self, concentrating our energy.

To take the audacious move intended on the new moon, we benefit from staying quiet and following a routine to best prepare your body and mind for the inevitable changes. Don’t get distracted or caught by your emotional reactions to the challenges and obstacles you may be facing. Don’t rush either. You want to pierce through them strategically and patiently, as much as possible.

There is a needed and unavoidable surge (Uranus) against what has imprisoned us. Intense and focused regeneration process, purification process, liberation process in which we can finally purge what has been boiling under the surface, what has been repressed, denied, forgotten or obscure but needed a way out.

It is a time for a great clearing out so that we can prepare our lives for the new that wants to come in. You can be experiencing this in any area of your life, from a great clearing out of your home to a complex clearing out of the past. Anyway, it is something you should look forward to, because the North Node also sits here as well as Venus, ruler of Taurus, which makes this even more concrete, palpable and truly valuable. This is the strength and security we need to be more abundant, more resourceful and self-confident, and they may be pouring out to us through opportunities that may feel radical or even awkward (Uranus). Mercury is also here, making things clear, simple and workable, giving you means to analyze, plan and formulate which are these valuable choices and what these opportunities really mean.

June 14th: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Sun and Moon in harmonic aspects (trine and sextile, respectively) to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Sun and Moon in tense aspect (square) to Neptune in Pisces

Jupiter unaspected in Aries

This full moon can bring a successful outcome - things can pass the test of time and persistent, disciplined and pragmatic efforts to achieve something. This is a possibility to overcome oblivion and dissipate deceits, sorrows and illusions.

The necessary fight for self, for healthy boundaries, for a stabilized ego which can defend the soul and progress in life. In this phase, there are enemies projected outside and they need to be confronted somehow, because they can really be threatening our existence, our well being, our right to be in the world. This is a warrior energy which is much needed in order for us to survive and prosper in life.

This can also be a time for separations. There is a new breeze that whispers: “it is time for something new”. Being innocently and spontaneously attuned to this whisper will help in a successful outcome. Be spontaneous! Follow your heart and be willing to develop and have fun in any life circumstance, like a child would. There will be help and heavenly support for you.

Mercury in Gemini (critical first degree)

Venus conjunct the North Node and Uranus in Taurus

Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries

The universe answers whatever energy rises up powerfully and strong-willed enough to be heard from the heavens, so to speak. If it has strongly removed the first obstacles and passionately opened up the way for the new, it will give the first results. Growth is supported, even if some wounds have occurred in this beginning.

Wounds should actually be our strength now. We have learned from them, we have grown through them. These wounds could have even generated a rage which can be directed towards a constructive goal. Rage against injustices, for example, can be channeled to organized action against these injustices. Feeling frustrated or wronged can become your weapon against future occurrences of the same type.

June 21st: Last Quarter Moon in Pisces

Moon in a potentially harmonic aspect (sextile) to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

Sun in critical last degree of Gemini

Venus in Taurus in harmonic aspect (trine) to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

Mercury in Gemini in potentially harmonic aspect (sextile) to Jupiter in Aries

This is repeating last cycle’s waning phase, but now in the critical last degree of Pisces. We are now getting aware of how naïve we may have been, or immature, and how this has put us at risk of failure, oblivion and even disaster. But the truth is that we are seeing some good results coming from this ingenuous and spontaneous energy, which is actually very creative. There are some victories and achievements that strengthen our sense of self now. It has somehow provided us with more options and new choices we can make. It has been trying to eliminate the heaviness and the heavy judgements.

This is helping us see what makes us different from our parents, what distinct our character from those who have raised us, those who taught us how life should be and gave us the first notions of what is emotional support. This last quarter moon is showing us that we can be the supportive energy for ourselves, the emotional base for ourselves, no matter what we have learned or received emotionally from our parents. Now we can be aware of our inner child’s feelings and needs, and we can be the supportive energy for this vulnerable and childlike part of us, which many of us may even have forgotten.

Now is the time to give this young self voice and support. There is something this young self is claiming from deep inside of us, and this energy makes us want to fight for it until we achieve it. It is stubborn as hell! But we should trust this is what we need and play with it.

Thank you so much for watching! I wish you an audacious and playful lunar cycle! See ya 🙇‍

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