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Foto do escritorCarol Taglia

Capricorn Lunar Cycle 2022

For those of you who don’t know it, a lunar cycle always starts with the new moon, culminates with the full moon and ends when another new moon starts. The new moon sets the intention - the goal - and the following phases show its developments. Of course, there is no determined fate because we are talking about potentials (possibilities). Actually, we should work with these lunar cycles to benefit from them, because they translate a wisdom we can use to grow spiritually.

In this post, I am explaining the whole cycle that is beginning with the New Moon in the sign of Capricorn, on January 2nd.

This new moon is all about initiating something that will change your life. The world is changing and we should also choose to change. What are the changes that you are ready to make?

Following the crescent light, we see the Waxing Moon in the sign of Aries, on January 9th. That’s when we must start to conquer our place in the world. It is never easy to begin, so we should begin small. But don’t forget that you want to make a difference.

We arrive at the peak of this lunar cycle with the full moon in the sign of Cancer, on January 17th. We may understand now that we are never going back to the old normal. The changes we are making are permanent and deep. We have completed a cycle of soul growth and now it’s time to dream again.

As the moonlight fades, we finally come to the waning phase in the sign of Scorpio, on January 25th. What we used to be is fading away and we are being pushed to adapt to a new and better situation. We may still not comprehend how good this actually is for us and for the planet.

New Moon in Capricorn

Sun and Moon united (conjunct) at 12°20’ of Capricorn

Sun and Moon in Capricorn in harmony (trine) with Uranus retrograde in Taurus

Mercury enters Aquarius

Venus retrograde united with (conjunct) Pluto in Capricorn

Mars in Sagittarius in potential harmony (sextile) with Saturn in Aquarius and square Neptune in Pisces

Jupiter enters Pisces in tension (square) with the Nodes (Taurus-Scorpio)

A new moon sets the energy up for the whole cycle. The beginning is very important as it is a concentration of energies that form the essence of what is to be.

This new moon in Capricorn is fed by the energies from the last cycle’s full moon in Gemini, which occurred on December 19th. The same day Chiron has turned direct (forgot to mention in the last update!). That was a time of healing our memories, thoughts and words, to release our “certainties” so we could be more open to experience and learn something new.

Now we have crossed the line of the Solstice, entering Capricorn season. Now we should focus on the willingness to transcend life, to see what can be immortalized by our own past experiences. What can become a legacy based on what you have learned and accumulated until here? It is an anticipation of death, a contemplation of your own wisdom.

The challenges we face to adapt to a new situation give us the opportunity to use everything we have learned and gathered. They also provide us with a chance to believe in ourselves, be brave and go for it. That’s when we may have to check our values. If there is self-value lacking, then we may have to rethink, reassess or re-formulate something, so we can really feel confident.

We are also being called now to become more insightful and innovative, because Mercury is entering Aquarius, the sign of the future. It is offering a more democratic interplay between people, where collective responsibility and individual freedom can be combined.

This time can be challenging and even mysterious. We are being called to make important considerations and changes. We should be aware of our strengths and weaknesses, and what we need to change inside. We should be willing to believe we can navigate the unknown with our own tools.

On the other hand, structures are opening up because they are pressured to decentralize. Money and material resources are going through innovations and revolutions. It is a great time for investing.

We should remember that, since Saturn Pluto conjunction in the beginning of 2020, many structures have started to fall apart. Those who have experienced this process earlier or in its beginning, have been facing some important crisis in regards to what should be safe but has not accomplished its purpose. Some very safe bases have shown their weaknesses and cannot support growth anymore. They are falling apart under our eyes. From this time on, we should start to build new bases on top of them.

Some people who have a very comfortable life and privileged position may be at a disadvantage. Because they may take longer to see that their securities are flying to the wind like leaves, faster each year, because there is no real secure base to sustain it.

This is a global process, it is a condition of the Earth at this moment. And this planetary reality is silently entering our lives, even more so as we are much concerned about other huge problems such as global health. It is a scarcity that we may not be totally aware of yet, similar to a water leak in its beginning.

There is a disruption taking place on a large scale (indicated by Saturn Uranus long-term square). As the known structures of our world collapse - and by Saturn, we mean the real, material, tangible and solid structures, like economy - there is a force behind it which we are starting to see and that is the new economy rising (indicated by the long transit of Uranus in Taurus). But it is happening at this very moment, so we may realize it only later on.

The economy is changing and that is because of what the internet has made possible. It is changing because we have made progress that required this change. So, many of our daily activities have become digital (or at least there has been opportunity for it). As a result, value is becoming digital. Money is becoming digital. Resources are becoming digital. And that is happening because such a technology that has the power to make digital many of our services and needs, can save the Earth from complete depletion, by holding back the wasting of material resources.

We are just starting to see the consequences of this fact in our lives, and it isn’t free from danger, but still holds the promise to make humanity more equalitarian in the sharing of material resources.

Truth is that many of us have become wasters. We waste everything, from water to oil. We solve our problems and serve our own needs not only in a very egotistical manner, but one that also generates great depletion to others and the environment. We shouldn’t close our eyes to this reality, rather it is time to take our responsibility and make the changes we can do to reverse all damage we have already caused.

This is a time for structuring the steps we are going to take to reach a certain goal. Just like planning a trekking way to reach a mountain peak. We shouldn’t just believe we can do it anymore (Saggitarius season has ended). We now have to be aware of our next steps and be pragmatic about which are those steps, and when to take them. And then, most important, execute the plan with discipline.

Waxing Moon in Aries (first quarter)

Sun and Venus retrograde united (conjunct) in Capricorn

Sun and Venus retrograde in Capricorn in potential harmony (sextile) with Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Aries in harmony (trine) with Mars in Sagittarius and square Venus retrograde in Capricorn

Mercury in Aquarius in tension (square) with Uranus retrograde in Taurus

This waxing moon is saying: “oh yes, you can dream big and oh yes, you can make your dream come true!”. But you must know what you want and where you are going. It is the time to go for it and assert yourself, but you must be very mindful of your purposes. And it is smart to play small when you are small. Don’t overextend your expectations.

We are innovating and finding new solutions to old problems. We are also becoming increasingly aware of our limitations, especially the limitations we have inherited from our parents and the social environment that we live in. We are becoming increasingly aware of economic dysfunction and what needs to change.

Full Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer in a confrontation (opposition) with the the Sun in Capricorn

Sun united with (conjunct) Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius (since Jan 14th)

Uranus direct on Jan 18th

People want to return to world affairs, return to business and sales. But still there are things to reconsider (Mercury is retrograde). Can we just leave our homes empty again? Can we just “go back to normal” and leave our nests empty? This is a time to listen to our feelings.

There can be emotions and feelings coming from childhood. A deep need, a deep forgotten feeling. The inner child speaks to the adult we have become. Are you missing something or someone? Are you feeling lonely and unsafe? Are you needing to honour some deep truths inside you? I suggest you make some kind of ritual, get in touch with nature, honour your life experience and honour the Earth. Feel your soul.

Think of the plans you have made, your ambitions, your projects and career, what kind of satisfaction you really want from them? Your inner child, your soul, may have something to say. Maybe it is rooted in a dream or maybe you have forgotten your dreams. This full moon is about coming to a genuine answer to the question: what really makes me happy? Once you have the answer, nurture it. It is so important for the universe that you feel truly joyful!

Waning Moon in Scorpio (last quarter)

Sun in Aquarius (since Jan 20th)

Moon in Scorpio in harmony (trine) with Jupiter in Pisces

Moon in a confrontation (opposition) with Uranus (now direct!) in Taurus and in potential harmony (sextile) Mars in Capricorn (since Jan 24th)

Venus retrograde in Capricorn in harmony (trine) with Uranus in Taurus

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius (coming closer to Pluto in Capricorn)

The end of this lunar cycle can lead to compassion for self and others, for everything people have been through lately, especially children (future generations). We want to make the world a better place, where there can be room for everybody, where every child can have a chance to grow and become an excellent individual. We want to nurture every child in every corner of this planet!

Powerful women can make important changes now, if only for their children. These changes are crucial for the well-being of young and future generations. I have made a special post about this topic, called Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.

There can be a lot of renegotiation in political decisions and social projects. There can also be retraction in finances and stock markets, sudden upheavals in the economy, redefinition of value, money currencies and prices.

Well, thank you for your visit! I would like to invite you to watch the videos I publish regularly on my YouTube channel.

I wish you a powerful lunar cycle. See you in 2022!

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