The Cancer Lunar Cycle starts with the New Moon in Cancer, which occurs on June 29th 2022.
Just like planting a seed, the new moon offers the energy of a potential creation. We can see that energy in anything starting during the new moon phase. But we can also benefit from it by actively beginning something or setting an intention during that phase. This is the real magic of Astrology, the path to self-empowerment.
For those who are familiar with these terms, I should say that all things are “living” things in the 5th dimension, where ideas are alive. Magic is the ability to operate in this reality to create something in the 3rd dimension of our normal state of consciousness. This is true power.
But the new moon is just the beginning! We must follow the development of the energy of the whole lunar cycle, working with every phase to really help that seed grow.
Cancer Lunar Cycle is so special because Cancer is the sign ruled by the Moon. In this cycle, we can dive deeper into our soul’s mystery. We can have feelings, intuitions and dreams that we may not understand. This cycle is about connecting to your roots, your oldest memories, your past and origin. It is about experiencing and developing your emotional nature, how you feel the world around you and how you connect to other people on a very basic level.
The emotional nature is related to childhood, when self identification with parental figures is strong. There is a need to feel loved and accepted, a need for protection that originates in these emotional childhood years. This childlike part of us is always present in one way or another, and you can experience it in the area of your chart that has Cancer in it, especially if you have planets in Cancer.
June 29th: Cancer New Moon
Sun and Moon united (conjunct) at 7°22’ of Cancer
So, what is Cancer about? In Astrology, there is a time for everything. Cancer is the 4th “hour” of the zodiac “clock”. After the learnings and exchanges of Gemini, and before the self discovery and creativity of Leo, we have Cancer. Before explaining the particulars of this cycle, I want to share some keywords for Cancer so you can have an idea of what this sign is about.
Looking to the inside
Emotions and moods
Emotional fulfillment
Past and memories
Feeling connected to mother, family, ancestors and homeland
Being comfortable in your skin
Feeling comfortable in your home
Feeling loved and cared for
Feeling supported
Listening to your feelings
Knowing what you need
Self love and selfcare
Self support
Self acceptance
Protecting your feelings
Emotional security
Self defense
Privacy and secrecy
Emotional reaction (uncontrolled)
Dependence on others
Needing to feel loved and cared for
Needing to feel protected
Needing to have a family and homeland connection
Being needy and childish
Vulnerability and frailty
To actively work with this energy, you must find out in which house of your natal astrological chart this new moon falls. That is, which house of your natal astrological chart has Cancer in it, precisely 7°22’ of Cancer. Also, if there are planets in this degree or close to it, this cycle may be very important for you. You can contact me or another astrologer for the specifics, if you are not familiar with astrological charts.
In this new moon, we should concentrate on the ideas that are supportive of our energy, connecting and partnering with what supports our growth, what nourishes us. We should choose what makes us feel more abundant, after having analyzed the first results and potentialities of our projects, investments and use of resources.
This new moon is about seeking emotional support and secure foundations. And it begins with an idea we may have already started to develop and which is now giving some results. We can see the potential of this recently implemented idea and go deeper in it.
But Cancer also speaks to our inner child, bringing childish emotions. So, you may doubt yourself, feel vulnerable and powerless, thinking that you are not capable of achieving what you have set up your mind to achieve, even if it is pretty obvious to others that you can. It is important that we concentrate on our own inner strength now, developing renewed will and courage through the facing of our feelings and fears. Of course, this is not an easy thing to do and most of us will need the help of someone else, be it a loved one or a professional therapist.
Sun and Moon united with (conjunct) Lilith in Cancer
Lilith represents a powerful emotional urge, which can even become a dangerous obsession. In Cancer, this symbol operates in an even more emotional manner and it is extremely reactive, moody and self-protective. It can be totally irrational, but actually emotionally intelligent, that is, accepting and supportive of self and others who are dear, no matter what.
To take advantage of this energy, there is a need to be aligned with your feelings, to know what they mean and how to deal with them properly. There must be a way to support your needs with balance and respect for yourself and others. We can visit our inner world through dreams and meditation, awakening to something new inside us, an idea or a new feeling, which can bring about great emotional fulfillment.
But this aspect also means there can be some suppressed or repressed feeling you have inside. While you would prefer to be silent about it at other times, you may have already said something during the last cycle in Gemini. And it may actually disturb you or other people now, to the point that there is no more possibility of not talking or not dealing with it.
I haven't spoken of Lilith in my previous videos, because Mars and Pluto are the main astrological factors for self-empowerment. Lilith is a similar archetype but is strictly feminine - the power of the feminine, which has accumulated many distortions and fears around it, just as Mars and Pluto have too. This feminine power relates to sexuality, sorcery and death, all things taboo and heretic. There is an energy in Lilith of a fearful, distorted and even evil archetype, which brings about pain and powerlessness.
The thing is that our spiritual will is tested through pain and powerlessness. When we are on our knees, that’s when we can prove ourselves, our inner strength, our faith and capacity to transform and regenerate. Lilith brings about a very feminine type of self-empowerment process. We are offered a chance to strengthen our souls by passing the test and learning these hard lessons on how to use our own power.
Sun and Moon in exact tense aspect (square) to Jupiter in Aries
Fortunately, this cycle can be extremely positive and encouraging. Jupiter is pushing us to be courageous, assertive and go for it. We are reaching out to our dreams and goals and there has to be action, so we can stretch ourselves enough to reach them. What can you do here and now to feel more attuned to what you need?
There are opportunities to grow something now. What do you want to nurture in your life? What are the things in your life that are really good for you and can support your soul growth? This is a time to take into consideration what is supportive of your energy, what is emotionally nurturing to you, what makes you feel at ease with yourself, comfortable with who you are, happy with your home environment and surroundings. This also takes us to understand and make it clear what is not supportive of our energy and what is not emotionally nurturing to us.
So, this is a time to believe in yourself, to have faith in your ideas and desire to expand. It is a time to believe that you can be emotionally fulfilled, loved and connected to what is around you. Jupiter in Aries requires that you have the courage to just be yourself and stand for what you truly want. Take action towards it, don’t be only wishing something but actually take steps to fulfill it. Start with what you have now.
This is a time to believe that whatever it is you may be fighting for or protecting yourself from, it is important for your soul growth that you do it. We should stand for what connects, what feels right. And there can be self-criticism, because you may think you’re being egotistical and selfish. The old paradigm of the Pisces Age, the self-sacrifice, may be speaking louder to you. There can be self-doubt and doubt about your beliefs. But there are times when we need to be a little egotistical and self-protective, because others may be trying to take advantage of us and so we need to defend ourselves.
Mercury in Gemini, it’s own ruler
Mercury in harmonic aspect (trine) to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius
During this time, we have a chance to see things clearly. Information given and received are able to restructure foundations, restructure paradigms that have operated for a long time but which are now shifting, being fixed, reformed and renovated. On a collective level, this helps with the rebuilding of the structures, rebuilding of the economy and social organizations.
This energy helps commerce, exchange and education to be developed with more maturity. There can be (hopefully!) a decrease in fake news and other types of misinformation, along with an increase in solid and scientific knowledge.
Venus in Gemini
Venus in exact potentially harmonic aspect (sextile) to Jupiter in Aries
We are learning to speak out our values, our truth. We are learning to believe in ourselves. We can be mindful of our thoughts and words now, expressing what we truly value and what we truly choose for ourselves.
We should also be mindful of the people around us, their values and ways of thinking. Our surroundings have an enormous impact on us because it’s where we relate to others on a daily basis. It is crucial to have a nice relationship with our community, and during this time we may discover that we desperately need to move to another place to feel more at ease with ourselves.
There is the potential to expand your relationships with your surroundings now. This is a great energy to generate abundance because it favors exchanges between people and values. Money and resources flow easier. When you expand your sense of self, your relations also expand and change.
Mars in Aries sextile Saturn retrograde in Aquarius (almost exact)
Mars square Pluto retrograde
We can accomplish a great deal under this influence, to reform and rebuild something in our lives. We can initiate some sort of restructuring of things that have been long lasting in our lives, things that have operated the same way for years or decades, things that have reached a maximum development and may have become rigid and stagnant. Now is the time to execute our plans, take action to make the necessary changes and adaptations, communicate our moves so the next developments can unfold.
With the tense aspect to Pluto, it turns out that this energy can be excessive for some, depending on their natal astrological chart, their personal energy. It may lead to aggressiveness and disrespect for yourself and others. It can become an “all or nothing” type of experience. But Saturn can provide wisdom and moderation if we attune to its energy.
So, with Mars (the masculine archetype) in potential harmony with Saturn (the restriction archetype), and Venus (the feminine archetype) in potential harmony with Jupiter (the expansion archetype), we actually have a balance of the energies during this new moon. Balance is accomplished through a healthy alternation between masculine and feminine, restriction and expansion. This is externalized in our relationships.
July 7th: First Quarter Moon in Libra
Moon in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries
To feel the emotional nourishment we are tuning into in this cycle, we must reach out for the people who can help us with that. These people are not there to save you, but they can provide you, through their own nature and energy, the help you need to transform yourself. You are working hard to expand, to grow, to become a better person now, and so you should work with these people as partners, in agreement and commitment. You should understand that even through challenges, these people are there to help you grow somehow. And this can actually be as challenging as having these people as apparent enemies. And it can be very emotional and difficult to manage a situation like that. But it should turn out to be beneficial for your self transformation and self-empowerment, as much as an alliance and friendship would do.
This is a time for really acknowledging the lessons you got from your relationships, your family relationships, your feelings of love for them or not, your emotional needs and if they have been met or not. We are supposed to find this emotional fulfillment, inside our family or elsewhere, before we can accomplish our soul purposes. We need to figure out how we can open up and receive love and support, because it is much needed for us to feel self-confident.
Moon trine Venus in Gemini (ruler of Libra)
We are learning through our relationships now. We are experimenting, exchanging, maybe making important negotiations and contracts that involve our personal resources, our money and possessions. This is a time for win-win relationships, a time for making alliances and harmonic commitments.
Mercury now in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries
Our minds and communication can struggle to be objective and assertive. We can struggle to see beyond our emotions now, because we can actually be pretty much involved in these emotions, maybe thinking about the past, being distracted and caught up in our own inner world. We should use this time to give voice to our feelings, take care of our mental patterns, take time to process what is going on inside of us. Becoming more and more aware of how we can expand beyond our secure comfort zones.
Mercury in sextile to Mars now in Taurus
Slowing down can be beneficial this time. We should keep moving, but at a slower pace so we can process recent events in our lives. Also, this time is preparing us for August when things can start moving faster (Mars Uranus North Node conjunction). We should use this time to be extra careful and diligent in our actions, taking care of ourselves along the way, nurturing our roots and strengthening up.
Mars, moving away from the square to Pluto is alleviating tensions, diminishing aggressiveness, manipulation and abuse of power as Mars moves ahead to join Uranus and the North Node in August (there will be a video here on the channel about this conjunction, so subscribe if you don’t wanna miss it ;-)
July 13th: Full Moon in Capricorn
Sun and Mercury sextile North Node and Uranus
There has always been something mystical about the full moon light. It speaks of mystery and magic. When we see a full moon, we are seeing the light of the Sun, that is, pure vitality, being poured onto the Moon, that is, the dark and seemingly dead satellite of the Earth. The full moon is a symbol for the miraculous moment when energy (or spirit) animates matter, giving life to what was in inertia until that moment.
So, the full moon is the time when intentions can become manifested. There can be a real material form, or a real concrete event, for something we have only conceptualized or felt before.
Of course, this can give many different results, depending on the energy we infused into something or some circumstance. It can result in something good or bad for us, depending on what we have conceptualized or felt. But, if we learn how to deal with this specific lunar cycle, we will discover that it actually offers an opportunity for us to be in control of something in our lives, something that has been out of control. We can become able to provide for ourselves what’s needed, in practical terms, to fulfill our emotional needs.
During this full moon, you may become aware of your capacity to handle and manage something in your life, indicated by the house in your natal chart which has Capricorn in it. This awareness can provide you with some sort of freedom or innovation in the use of your money and resources.
With Venus in a harmonic aspect to Saturn, there are long term projects or maybe life changing projects that you may be ready to embrace now. You may be moving away from your comfort zone, to build a new one, moving away from your home to build a new home. Whatever it is, you are leaving behind something that has become obsolete to embrace a more fulfilling reality, with an open heart.
July 20th: Last Quarter Moon in Aries
Moon in Aries in tension to Pluto
Venus in Cancer
Mercury in Leo
Finishing up this Cancer lunar cycle, we are moving ahead with a strong will, but careful steps. We can be moving ahead with a clearer sense of self, our gifts, capabilities as well as our weaknesses. Hopefully, we can now be mindful that we need others to support us in what we lack, as well as others may need us because they lack what we have to offer through our own energy.
If we have been able to learn from Lilith, the Dark Mother, we can now be aware that we need to be willing to attract for us what we truly want, not submitting to any unsatisfying condition. We should use our feminine power of attraction to amuse our loved one or our aimed opportunity. Seduction is a natural strategy, but it shouldn’t be abusive. Rather, it is supposed to attract to you what you truly feel that makes you stronger and self-empowered, what is truly good for your soul self.
The contrary is also possible, because there can be an egotistical and manipulative type of seduction with the Moon in Aries in tension to Pluto. Maturity gained until here can either be used for well intentioned action or not. We should be aware of tendencies to the abuse of power, recognizing the need to defend ourselves. Of course, it could turn out that we may be the abusers, and in that case we can see others standing up for themselves, and we should respect them.
Because this Cancer cycle has a strong feminine energy to it, we may feel, regardless of our gender, this powerful urge to be emotionally supported and supportive, to be emotionally fulfilled and capable of receiving love and accepting ourselves. In this context, I feel that there can also be powerful women taking action to protect other women, children, old and sick people. They can stand up to protect their lands and history. And these fights are legitimate and should be honored.
So, gathering everything we have learned from Cancer Lunar Cycle, we should now be able to:
Connect to our own strength and wisdom, knowing our capacity for self support.
Connect to people who support us, who connect to us on an emotional level, spontaneously, feels like family, feels maybe like childhood.
Understand that to be in control, we need strategy. First, we need to feel suited for our values, feel really deserving of our true will, so we can attract it to us, seduce it to come to us. But it does require intelligent, well planned action, as well as honesty, to escape from an undesired and unsatisfying condition.